[00// Prologue]

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  I wanna be drunk when I wake up on the right side of the wrong bed...

(dedicated to charismatize because I fucking love her stories and she just updated her Calum Hood fic called "Polarize". Check her out)


Rhys wasn't high enough. He was floating, high above the clouds, beyond the fucking stratosphere, and still he wasn't high enough. He could still see her face even though he was far too numb to feel his.


Nomi fucking Sinclair.

Just thinking her name brought a tightness to his chest. She wasn't here and yet she still took his breath away. And it hurt. It was like inhaling a long, drag of smoke the wrong way. It hurt like hell, burned his already charred lungs, but he liked the sting. Loved it even. But Rhys had always liked pain. He was kinda fucked up like that.

He wasn't in his room. Even higher than a kite he could tell that. The usually bare, white walls were painted a loud blue, something that remind him of the ocean, and were covered in posters of faces he couldn't recognize when his mind was so fogged up with drugs.

Moving his head was a herculean feat - it felt like his entire body weight was somehow housed in just his head - but when he did, he only barely recalled the woman sprawled out beside him. He thought he met her at a club but he couldn't be sure.

Red-head. Huge tits. Wearing Nomi's perfume.

Nomi, Nomi, Nomi.

He remembered calling out her name as he buried himself in the redhead. Lana? Or Morgan? Maybe Carrie? He couldn't remember and while he knew that made him the very Oxford definition of an asshole, he was far too numb to care.

Too numb but not nearly enough to forget her face. He could never forget her face. It was seared into every part of his brain, tattooed on his poor excuse for a heart. He remembered every faint freckle that dusted over her wide nose and cheekbones - all 27 of them. He remembered the exact way her lips curved when she graced him with her smile. He remembered the exact shade of brown her eyes were, and how those brown eyes stared lifelessly back at him the last time he'd seen her.

All he wanted to do was forget, and he couldn't even manage to do that.

He heaved himself out of the redhead's bed, whatever her name was. He needed a smoke. He needed to get even higher so he'd stop seeing her face. Nomi, Nomi, Nomi. He found a half smoked J on her dresser and dug through his jeans until he found his lighter. Soon the room was filled the sickly sweet smelling smoke that drowned out the familiar smell of the woman's perfume. Nomi's perfume.

"Can I get some of that?" Rhys looked over at Lana-Morgan-Carrie. Her eyes were bloodshot and her pupils dilated; she was still high on something but so was he and he lacked any room to judge so he handed her the blunt wordlessly.

They didn't speak again until "Who's Nomi?"


Hearing her name out loud hurt far more than hearing it mentally. A thousand times more. Lana-Morgan-Carrie might as well have hit him with a semi.

He didn't say anything, couldn't. He felt like his ribs had punctured his lungs and he was drowning in his own blood.

"You called out her name as I rode you last night. I think you owe me some kind of explanation."

He couldn't force his body to breath, to survive, let alone explain how hearing her name after so long felt like dying. He dragged his body from the large bed, stumbled across the room and hurried to find his clothes. His boxers were missing in the mess of her room and he chose to slip his jeans on without them. He was sure his shirt was inside out but he didn't care. He just had to get out, had to escape.

Lana-Morgan-Carrie followed him around her room. She was barely a step behind him everywhere he turned. She was tall, almost too tall, and thin, like a Victoria's Secret model, but with an even better rack. But Rhys couldn't find a fuck to give, not even when she stuck out her chest and rubbed her breasts against him in attempt to get him to stay. He didn't spare her a glance and stepped around her instead. "Damn. She really fucked you up."

Rhys halted in the doorway, his fist clenched around the door frame. He could feel the wood biting his skin but he liked the pain, deserved it even.

"All she did was try to love me and I broke her. I destroyed her."


I'm super excited for this story. I'm already in love with these characters and you guys haven't even met Nomi yet.

Xoxo babes

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