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After my tears were dried and I had kissed Mia some more we left the washroom.

Since we were both late for our separate classes we decide to ditch.

"Hey," Bea said when we reached the group's usual ditch spot, behind the bleachers.

"Hey Bea," I replied with Mia.

"Want a smoke?" Bea asked, holding out her pack.

I took one and Mia cautiously took one.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded.

Bea lit our cigarettes and we both watched Mia take a puff.

Instead of coughing it up like I expected she expertly blew out the smoke in halo shapes and sent a dart like puff through the middle.

"Not what you expected eh?" Mia asked.

Bea and I both shook our heads.

Mia laughed and continued to smoke.


"So you and Mia are together again?" Will asked.

I nodded.

"Oh my God," Will said in a falsetto voice. "I like totally ship it." He flipped his imaginary hair.

I bumped him with my hip and picked up an apple. "You're an ass."

"Hey you do it to me and every girl I talk to," he retorted.

"That's because you two are cute together," I said.

"Well, so are you and Mia."

"Yeah we are," I said, and looked over my shoulder to where Mia was.

She was with a guy. I could tell that he was flirting with her. "Take my tray," I said, handing it to Will and walked over to Mia.

I hugged her from behind and kissed the top of her head. "Hey babe," I said. "Who's this?"

The guy stared openly at us until I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Me?" the guy asked. "I was just leaving."

The guy practically ran away.

Mia turned around to kiss me but I held up a finger. "Hold that thought."

I walked over to our lunch table and stood on top of it. "Attention fellow prisoners I mean students," I yelled. "That girl over there" I pointed to Mia. "She's mine, boys who try to flirt with her will deal with my brother Will, and girls who flirt with her will deal with me personally. Do you pea brains understand?" I got a few nods. "Good," I said. "Carry on." I jumped off the table.

"I believe you were about to kiss me," I said to Mia.

She shook her head at me but nonetheless leaned in and pressed her lips to mine.

When we pulled away and I moved to sit down the guys all hive fived me. 


So I was grounded. Technically still am but i did everything in my power to get my SLAC file so i could write and update. 

More updates to come as request of IsabellaGaristo17 I will update in five minutes. 

See you then. 

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