Chapter 8

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I woke up right when the lights in the room were about to turn all the way on. Everyone else in the room was still asleep, which made things easier. I tip-toed to the bathroom, hoping not to disturb anyone. Once in, I looked around to see if anyone stirred-No one did. A big Cheshire grin spread across my face as I shut the bathroom door and locked it.

It felt so nice to be alone.

I slowly turned the bathtub handle, letting the water drip. What if they get mad? What if something wrong happens? Anxiety set in. I bite my lip and decided that it was best to take chances…right?

I turned the handle all the way. Hot, steaming, clean, water escaped and filled the tub. I could only imagine that everyone was awake by now. The water was loud enough to wake anyone up. I ran my hand through the water, testing it. Nothing happened. No acid.

The door handle jiggled and there was a knock. I didn’t say anything. There was another knock and then a pause. People were talking. I turned the water off.

Staring at the door the entire time, I undressed and slowly got in the tub. I could hear the voices behind the door. I took in a deep breath. Just relax, I told myself, What’s the worst that can happen?

I started scrubbing the dirt off me. The water was already starting to turn black with grime.

“And what else do you think is going on in there?!” Someone screamed-most likely Aiden.

“Obviously, someone is taking a bath. Is it that big of deal?” I heard Braxton’s annoyed tone.

“Of course! If something were to happen…”

“Nothing is happening yet.”

I held my breath and dunked my head under the water, scrubbing the dirt and grease out of my hair. I heard the door handle jingle more as I surfaced.


Crap. They figured it was me.

“Yeah,” I sort of yelled, getting out of the tub.

There was a bang on a door, a shout from behind the door, and then Aiden spoke through the door, “Are you okay?”

I looked at myself in the cracked mirror above the sink. “Of course,” was my reply. I looked so much cleaner…it felt nice.

No one spoke to me directly, but I knew they were fighting out there.

“Well maybe it is a good thing that she is trying it out!” Braxton yelled, “Look at us, you expect us to live like this? I wouldn’t mind a bath myself!”

“But I was told that…”

“Just because someone said it, doesn’t mean it is true!” Braxton was still screaming, “You of all people should know that!”

I grabbed the clothes on the floor, unsure of what to do with them. They were already starting to be worn out. I looked at the bathtub, and even though it was filled with murky water, I dropped them in the water, ready to somewhat clean them. I looked around, hoping to find a towel. Opening the cupboard underneath the sink, I saw what I was looking for. Disgusted, I shook the towel out. Ants still crawled on it, but it was still durable.

I scrubbed the heck out of the clothes, wrung them out the best I could. Having them air dry would take forever, and it sickened me to wear the same clothes for more than a whole week. I put the semi-wet clothes on anyway. Using the towel to dry my hair out.

I unlocked the door, and the fighting stopped. Everyone stared at me. I looked at the floor. “Sorry,” I muttered to no one in particular.

No one said anything nor moved. Not until, Braxton went into the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” Aiden protested.

“Bathing. What are you doing?” Braxton said. He sneered, “Obviously it is safe.”

The door closed, and Aiden glowered at me, “How could you?”

I stared at him wide-eyed. “What?”

“You know ‘what?’ How could you let the group down?”

“I didn’t let the group…” I started, just barely above a whisper.

“You didn’t did you?” I shook my head. Aiden continued, “No, you did worse. You could’ve harmed us.”

“By taking a bath?”

“By taking risks. If you died, we could’ve all died.”

I swallowed and looked down, “You were the one who told me that taking risks is the best way.”

He suppressed his lips, trying to think of something to say.

Yeah, that’s right. I was right and these rules are dumb, I said mentally. I walked over to the curtain.

“The door didn’t take you anywhere.” Ebony said. She was looking at her toes.

I didn’t know if they heard me or not, but I said, “Because that only happens once. I was told that, not rumored that.”

“By who?” Ebony looked at me.

I bit my lower lip. “Jake,” I said.

“You mean, that guy who keeps separating himself from his group to talk to you?”

Yep. That guy.

“Why are you taking advice from him? He is going to get himself and his group killed. You know that right? I’ve seen him away from his group so many times, I-“

“Well, he’s right and I trust him,” I interrupted. Something I never do.

“He’s wrong!” She yelled. “You want to get us killed…”

There was no point in arguing with her. For one, she was crying, making me feel guilty for saying anything at all. The second reason is because I won’t be able to reason with her. No one can.

I twisted the fabric of the curtain in my hands. The red strings were coming off of it now.

I didn’t bother to look at any of them. I knew what they were thinking; they were thinking of how much of a danger I am….all because I decided to bathe. I had to hold back a laugh and hide my grin; it was such a dumb moment, and I am sure that if I were to tell anyone else this outside the puzzle house, they would have to laugh with me. My group was truly angry with me because I decided to bathe. I bit my tongue to control my laughter.

SO kind of a silly little chapter. I know. Hopefully I can make it to the more interesting parts. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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