Magic Man

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I’m Elliot, Elliot Castaway…

I’m no ordinary 16 year old girl, I have one green eye and one blue, I know it’s weird and all but I love them, also, when I was born, I was born with white hair…

my mother had always wanted to dye it so I fitted in at school, but I refused and my father wouldn’t allow it, I’m so grateful of him not allowing it, I adore my hair beyond imagination!

Sadly my mom died when I was 11, she had thick black hair- like mine- it always formed perfect curls and was long down to her bottom, but she's gone now, never to return...

I live with my dad in California, Lake Tahoe to be precise. I have fair skin, almost white, but I never get cold, no matter what. I’m the girl who everyone wants to hug when there cold, I’m the hot water bottle of my friends…

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

“urggg!” I groaned from under the pile of blankets heaped on top of me.

Hitting the ‘shut the fuck up’ button, I slowly emerged from under the heavy pile. just another graceful awakening I thought to myself. I wonder just how long it will take for me to get my sorry ass dressed today?

Crawling off my bed I slowly made my way to the bathroom door, which is in my room… thank god!

Who would want to see me in the morning? I mean I look hideous during the day, imagine how I look if I’ve just woke up?! Slowly opening the door; I pulled myself up off the ground and walked over to my shower. why do I wake up at 5am again?

Undressing I stepped into the warm shower, the water trickling down my skin, it felt magic! Eventually I had to tear myself away and got out, being all clean and such, I then began to attempted to try and work a comb through my long white hair.

I gave up after about two minutes and just blow dried it, I watched as my long white hair formed into perfect curls, every strand a perfect curl, all but my bangs, they swept over across the right side of my face covering one eye, my blue eye…

I retreated the bathroom and opened my wardrobe to reveal all my clothing; pulling out a pair of pale blue skinny jeans and a light yellow huddie I slowly made my way back into the bathroom; applying some light makeup (just on my eyes) I retreated from the bathroom once again to put a pair of socks and my converse on. Picking my bag up of the small chair at my white desk.

I left my room; heading down to the kitchen I hear the sound of food cooking- dad must be making breakfast- I popped my head around the corner of the door frame, all I saw was my dad- a tall man his biceps flexed as he was flipping pancakes, his firm jaw line, perfect on every angle, his ice blue eyes, glittering in the early morning light, his head was baled, I’ve never seen my dad with hair- he was making food.

“are you just going to stand there? Or do you want some pancakes?” he asked, he didn’t even indicate he new I was there, his eyes didn’t move from the pan… I swear he has powers!

“how did you know?” I asked frowning as I walked up to the bar stool and sat down to eat.

“your shoes where squeaking all the way down the stairs, and I could see your beautiful hair out of the corner of my eye” he grinned and he place a plate of pancakes in front of me.

“more like your the magic man! but I know, my hair is beautiful!” I retorted giving him a goofy grin as he tapped the tip of my nose saying

“just like your mother” he smiled softly and went to the fridge.

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