Chapter One

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Hi guys! So this is my first book on Wattpad, and I hope you like it! I'll try updating every two to three weeks.


I slowly peered out from behind the wooden store and out into the crowded street. I stepped back onto the shadows, taking a deep breath. Reaching toward my neck , my long nimble fingers fumbled with my old silver necklace. It was cool to the touch, feeling nice compared to the warm air around me. I let go of the necklace and peered out once more, watching the people live their lives, go along with their families, or chat with another merrily.

Pulling my light brown cloak over my head and made sure it was covering my red ribbon in my hair before I stepped out into the suns beating light. My eyes wondered around aimlessly as I looked from stand to stand. The village was right under the nose of the kingdom, making it even more difficult to do my job.

The smell from the pub of the cooked lamb lingered in my nose, making my mind a bit hazy. I looked down at my stomach, which was smaller than usual since I haven't eaten in two days. Quickly, I passed the pub containing the lamb and continued to look around. My eyes suddenly stopped when I saw a small jewelry stand, maned by a young man. I smirked and tried to weave through the people passing by to reach the little stand. Half way there, I bumped into someone, causing me to stumble back.

Looking up, I saw a girl in an elegant and expensive looking white dress. The dress was covering in satin and lace, showing off her slim figure. She was obviously royalty since nobody in this town could afford that nice of a dress. She had curly Raven black hair, and icy blue eyes, not to mention flawless skin. I gulped as my sight reached the top of her head, where a polished and silver object laid in her hair.

None other than a crown, that could only belong to a very wealthy princess.

That crown costed more than my life. My fear was replaced with happiness as I bowed, a plan already forming in my head. Her face was contorted with digust and her nose was wrinkled up as if she had smelt something dead.

"Peasant! How dare you touch me?!" She exclaimed. I held back an unlady like remark about her attitude, remembering that crown perched on her head.

"Please excuse hic me your hic highness." I said, curtsing a little but then stumbling back again on purpose. The maiden pulled out her fan and handed it to her servant, who was staring at me. I faked a little laugh and winked at him, causing him to puff out his chest a little. He ran his hand through his hair out of his face and smirking at me. I walked to him, and continued to fake hiccup.

"Why hic hello hic handsome." I giggled, twirling a piece of my chestnut brown hair. He seemed to by my stupid drunk act, but it wasn't surprising. Boys here would give anything to pick up a drunk maiden. I faked a trip and he caught me, placing his hand around my hips. Giggling like an idiot, I hiccuped again causing the servant boy to become even more entranced.

"Are you two hic married? She is very hic beautiful." I whispered but was loud enough for the princess to hear, pointing at her. She smiled and the boy shook his head.

"The crown pulls everything together, shows off those hic magnificent eyes." I said and I thought I saw a blush appear on the princess's flawless skin.

"Looks like someone here knows actual beauty, and is respectful." She added while her servant fanned her, still holding me in his arms.

"And this crown is truly amazing isn't it? Made by the one and only Leapold." She exclaimed, gingerly touching her crown. Leapold was the best blacksmith in many miles. The royals only buy from him and never anyone else. I stared at the crown then opened my mouth a little.

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