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And we may not know

Sometimes the most bloodthirsty revenge

Is the murder of our own feelings.

Through days and nights

Flown by the cold spirits we have piled within

We hear opposing whispering voices:

"You shall take revenge

From those who have not been there for you

They who left you alone.

Who judge you by your skin and your home.

You shall take revenge

By your nonbeing."

We may know that feeling

Of death while we uphold a healthy living.

"The burn of inferiority "

Caused by our skin,

"You want it peeled."

You are feeling great within.

A life that we live to sacrifice to those others,

"Surely enough, they deserve life more than you. Yes!"


"And their loved ones and their lovers

And the ones who rule to keep the world in peace

For themselves, and in war for the others

To protect the ones who deserve life more than you."

We wish to run but soon enough

We wish to rest in peace.

We are tired.

We are washed out in our flesh

We are aware

Our fatigue

Comes from our tired soul,

"Lost and confused. Stay in control!"

After so many deadly troubles,

We who are one more time healthy and alive,

We ourselves wonder:

"How you took your own flesh to its knees

So severe that

For making it stand up again,

For making it live up again,

There is no way

But wishing for more death?"

It is a strange humbleness.

"Its existence lies on the pride of not getting any help."

It is a strange pride

"The size of jumping out the balcony in underwear"

And we somehow

Judge each other's

Dry motionless eyes

Of belonging to selfish ego maniacs.

And we have learnt

Lock pickers at any moment

Are one step ahead

As their master words

Are cunning

And they give no chance

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