Chapter 4 - Assistant's Thoughts

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When I first entered into Vitto's body, I felt quite invigorated. Was it the simply the physical strength that I never had? I know not. It was quite enjoyable. Pleasurable even, to be in the body of a strong man. To be able to carry massive amount of loads at once.

I yearned for spiritual perfection.

The price?

I had ignored my physical being.

How dreadful.

I had realised my flaws in my body when I had become short of breath so quickly while outrunning the Ragno. I soon had resorted to magic to escape from Da Vinci's evil clutches.

In the short time I had spent in Vitto's body, I had almost forgotten my true identity. My spiritual self is perfect. Psychological and physical?

Not quite.

No matter, I must press on to stop Da Vinci lest he recreates the entire world to bend to his whims. Using.

"It". The Stone.

If that mad man plays and treats the world like a toy. The dimension will collapse. He might overuse the stone to the point where he overloads the mana points in the Earth to the extent they shut down.

I have found Luigi Quntillo

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