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Damon Salvawhore updated his status: Stefan got me the worst Christmas present ;(

Stefan: No I didn't it was amazing!!!

Bonnie: What is it?

Damon: A Defan bobble head

Bonnie: huh?

Stefan: It's a bobble head of us hugging!

Bonnie: Oh how cute!


Katherine: Ya it is

Damon: Did anyone even ask you Katherine??

Stefan: Actually I did!

Damon: SHUTUP!

Bonnie: Well Damon what did you get Stefan?

Damon: The new Justin Bieber album!

Stefan: Best gift ever am I right???

Bonnie: Meh

Klaus: I wish I got one:(

Elijah: Sorry I'm not a good brother like Damon

Damon: HAH

Klaus: You're an amazing brother.... but not as hot as Stefan

Stefan: That was so random??

Klaus: #ourloveisreal

Stefan Salvatore blocked Klaus Mikaelson

Klaus: ://

Elijah: Nice try brother

Damon: Ya it was worth a shot

Klaus: :(

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