question 17

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17 Do you know anyone else who self harms?

Yea, My old friends used to I don't hang out with them anymore. I was on a roll with not cutting. I was almost two years free of self harm. One of them did it, then another, then another, then another practically all of them expect 3 of us. 3 of 7. Then I caved in. They talked about it all the time and I couldn't do it much more. I know what your thinking, Why not stop hanging out with them?....I did. then I got in trouble by the consular for being mad for no reason. She said I was just starting drama that no one needed. So that night I caved in. Then my best friend did. So the only one who didn't self harm....and still hasn't is the only scar less one. She's beautiful. The prettiest of the group and everyone knows it. But me and my best friend [@saltyrebel] left the group. We still talk to them but we don't really hang out with them anymore....

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