Chapter 16 - 19

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Chapter Sixteen

As she runs her fingertips over the desk in front, Cheryl can't get over the beautiful view from the large bay window, the cool summer air blowing the curtains around her. It's certainly not like the view she gets from her own bedroom window - a vandalised swing park and a block of high-rise tenement flats. Sitting herself down on the soft cushioned area in front of the window she smiles while she crosses her legs over and leans her back against the wall behind.

There is no denying her life is different to Kimberley's, in fact, it's at the other end of the scale. But, in a weird way, she feels as if it connects them. It's like a learning experience for her.

When she had turned up on Kimberley's doorstep she hadn't expected it to be shut in her face, but she certainly hadn't expected the warn, caring invitation in. She hadn't expected the sympathetic shoulder to cry on or the ear that leant itself to her.

Kimberley always seemed like a tough, aloof sort of girl, someone who, if forced, would tell you a comforting word or two but wouldn't do it off her own merit. 

And as she sits there, staring out into the vast green scenery, Cheryl knows it's far from the truth. The real Kimberley, the one she had only gotten to know in the early hours of the morning, is warm, caring and affectionate. She's a listener, a comforter, someone who makes you feel better with just a few, yet deeply sincere, words.

"You ok, babe?"

Turning, Cheryl smiles at the sleepy looking girl, messy hair framing her tired features, a heavy pout adoring her full lips. “I’m fine,” she giggles. 

“What?” Kimberley asks, confused as to what she finds so funny. Sitting up, she lets out a yawn, her arms stretching above her head in a bid of relieve her aching muscles.

“You look like sh*t,” Cheryl responds. She’s met with an upset looking expression and begins to quickly rethinking her comment. “Really cute, though!”

The blonde gives a throaty laugh. “Well, that was nice of you to say,” she mumbles before rolling her eyes. “Did you have a good sleep?”

Swinging her legs over, Cheryl pushes herself up and begins to wonder around the room once more, touching everything that takes her interest. “I did, thanks. What about you?”

Kimberley quietly watches, her gaze dropping as the pyjama bottoms she’s leant the girl ride down, allowing her to get a small glimpse of her back. She smiles, noticing two cute little dimples, Cheryl’s olive skin enhancing the indents and making them stand out more. “I had a good sleep,” she lies, knowing it’s far from the truth. “Cheryl?”


“Can I ask you something?” she softly questions, thinking of the best way to approach the subject.

“Sure.” Glancing over her shoulder, Cheryl flashes her a dimpled grin before turning back and looking at the photo frame she’s holding,

“You know that day I dropped you off?” 

“At me house?” she asks.

Kimberley nods her head, although, she’s not sure why because she knows she can’t see her. “Yeah,” she adds.

“What about it?” Cheryl smiles, coming to stand in front of a camera, which is attached to a tri-pod. She reaches out to touch the expensive looking equipment but soon changes her mind and drops her hands.

“It’s ok,” Kimberley encourages, noticing it. “I know you won’t break it.” She chuckles to herself when the girl begins to press each and every button, her brow frowning with concentration as she does so. 

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