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A trick of the eye
A sleight of hand
Can decieve the
Most clever of man
A promise of joy
A whiper a love
Can cloud the mind
Send them flying above
Above cares and worries
None of those in mind
It clouds them from the truth
It leaves them blind
Then a sudden realization
They can't fly
They can't soar
Can't touch the sky
It was all an illusion
Love and what not
That the other used
To make their heart rot
Maybe it didn't start out that way
Maybe that's true
Maybe, just maybe, they
Once meant "I love you"
But then that all changed
Like a switch being turned off
They didn't care about the other
And they dropped them with a cough
Down down they fell
Yet once again
Though it wasn't much of a surprise
They knew it would end
For they'd been decieved
One time and another
They've lost all their trust
For why even bother?

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