Chapter 7

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"Insanity is a simply beautiful thing. Don't you think so Alessa?

Sometimes you can't stop insanity, but let it divulge you. Let yourself marvel in its beauty. Feel the sensation of murdering an innocent person and watch in awe as you see the life being drowned out of their dark, secretive, lonely brown eyes. You wonder if you've got it from your family and try to blame them, but then realise that it's what you were destined for. Feel the exhilaration of tearing your own life apart, being the reason for your own self destruction. For a split second you get the sudden realisation of what you've done, until a moment later when you're laughing like the maniac you are. Drown in the sheer happiness of being locked up in the hellish Eichen House. Just waiting for the guilt to creep up on you but it never happens. You've lost yourself. You've lost your past, future and present. You've lost everyone that ever cared about you. Yet you don't care. You have no more worries when you're gone.

Insanity is a simply splendid thing."

"And you're avoiding everyone why?" Alessa asks her friend Scott in the school corridor.

Alessa had watched him walk in multiple different directions only to spot Allison, Jackson and Lydia down them. Just the people he was trying to avoid.

"It doesn't matter." He replies bluntly before walking into the classroom the contained the only person that actually didn't want to see him. Stiles.

Well, of course it mattered. But then wasn't a good time to explain everything.

Scott felt guilty that he didn't do anything to save Stiles' dad when he got knocked over by the car after the parent-teacher conference. Meanwhile Stiles is not so keen on conversing with the teen wolf himself due to the same reason.

"I'm not sitting between you." She said with a sigh, seating herself in the desk behind where Scott is now going to sit.

Even though this is the boys' first falling out since she has met them - she isn't going to start solving their problems for them.

"Still not talking to me?" Scott whispers to his best friend. Only to be completely ignored.

"Bloody hell." The blonde mutters under her breath, slightly annoyed at their behaviour yet understanding as to the reason why he's holding a grudge.

She's had to go through something similar, though maybe hers is on a higher scale.

"Can you at least tell me if your dad is okay?" He asks, trying to get his friend to talk to him, after taking a large sigh and drumming on his desk for a bit. "I mean, it's just a bruise right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing that big?"

"You know I feel really bad about it right?" Scott tells him after being flat out ignored again. "What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out? And that I went to Derek for help."

"You did what now?" Alessa asks after successfully sending her brother a text message using only her knuckles.

Alessa's boredom in class usually results in her setting herself mini challenges. Like for example; how many pencils can she balance on the person in front of her, to try and get a random student's attention by saying random names, then there's the classic of 'how long does it take to get sent out of lesson'.

"If I was talking to you I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him." Stiles finally replies to his friend who was desperate for his voice. "But obviously I'm not talking to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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