C1: Raindrops to Hunt

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The constant shifting of wind through tree branches was drowned out by the soft patter of raindrops falling from the heavens.

I never followed a particular religion, always tended to be more of a observer. Silently watching from the sidelines, taking note and storing them for latter use. However, sitting alone in the small forest clearing on the outskirts of town wasn't bringing me the usual sense of peace, instead I was filled with dread and I realised why people look for something to have faith in - why they hope, pray, for protection.

I want a safe haven, the clearing no longer proved one though. Glancing around I felt the rain roll down my skin, sting the fresh slices on my palms. Red eye glowed past the rain and dark forest, I dared not move silently begging the beast to find new prey. But hunters always love a good chase, that which I'd already provided. Now I had only to await my fate.

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