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Years Later...

"Here's a question, do you think he's drunk?"

I knew who he was talking about but it didn't stop me from looking around the dance floor anyway. The pair twirled and whirled, oblivious to everyone else around them. I knew the little girl couldn't be drunk, she was way too young. As for the guy—I couldn't stop watching him dance.

Andrzej was dancing.

And his dance partner let out the loudest shriek of joy as he lifted her up and twirled. The smile on his face got wider as she flung her arms out expecting—

There she goes.

He flung her up and up and up, her black curls flared out behind her as she came back down.

"He doesn't drink. You know that."

"First time for everything."

I squeezed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. "Not likely."

Andrzej was always on duty. His words, not mine.

I knew the second the little girl landed back in his more than capable hands, the yelling would start. It always started. He did it just to get her mother worked up and pissed. He liked pissing her off. He said it was hilarious, the highlight of his day.

Sure enough, the maker of the little human appeared at his side. I read her lips as she started in on him, telling him in no way whatsoever was he to toss her daughter into the air and no, she didn't care if the little girl liked it. The little human stood between them, holding on to Andrzej's hands and rolling her eyes.

Everyone knew you couldn't stop Allie when she got on one of her tirades. You rode it out.

A familiar head of curly afro hair appeared next to her and immediately started interjecting himself into the conversation.

Schylar. The other maker of the tiny human.

The whole thing brought a smile to my face as Allie turned her tirade on him and forgot all about Andrzej and what he'd done to get her started in the first place. Andrzej shared a wolfish grin with the little girl and they backed away from the bickering couple, making a swift getaway.

Allie and Schylar fought, no matter the circumstances, and everyone knew this was the way of things. After all, why quit a habit of a lifetime? Even if they were married. Even if they did have a kid together. Even if they were both my best friend.

If there were opposing opinions to have, they argued them.

Then made up.

I hated the making up part.

They were cute but hearing the particulars of their private moments was gross. And no matter how many times I told Schylar I didn't want to hear about his sex life, he told me anyway. Why quit a habit of a lifetime?

Cecil turned and kissed the top of my head. "Are you ok?"

Serious voice. The smile lessened on my face. "Fine. Just tired."

"We can shut this down if you want."

"We're allowed to leave early without shutting down the party. We're the bride and groom."

"Right. Then we should do that."

I sat up and looked at him. "We have to stay a little bit longer."

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