Chapter 6

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Ludwig's P.O.V.

About another week has passed, I was waiting for when Gil was going to ask. It has been a total of about six years since we found out our tattoos went together. I have been expecting it since we moved into our apartment, but he hasn't brought it up. I have had a few urges myself, but I don't want to be the one to initiate. All I know is, I will know when I am ready. Ever since that night we cuddled, we have slept in my bed. I haven't minded it, I just don't know when he is going to want more.

I am just getting home from my last class of the night, not surprised that Gilbert isn't home. He usually isn't home till around six o'clock. This meant I had an hour to be home alone, so I did homework, it was the only time I could get anything done. He always loved to interrupt me, I think he enjoys seeing how annoyed I get with him.

I finished what I needed to do for the night, packing up my stuff and bringing it to my room. I still had another twenty minutes before I expected Gil to be home, so I got in the shower. It was his turn to cook, so I just picked up my book and started reading. Mostly everything I read is historic fiction or war novels. All I ever see Gil reading is magazines or the back of a CD. I wasn't even finished with the second chapter and Gil bursts through the door. I just kept reading letting him take his shoes and jacket off. Conscious that he was looking over at me every time he paused in his actions.

Like he always does, he plops down on the couch next to me. But this time, instead of dramatically laying all over me, he just leans his shoulder against mine, gently laying his hand on my thigh. I tense up for a second, but quickly relax. I keep reading, but I wasn't really reading, I was just staring at the book now. It was now my distraction from what I knew was coming.

"Luddy, put the book down, I vant to cuddle." His voice was so deep, and thick something I had never heard before. I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them I was ready for what the night would bring.

Setting my book on the coffee table, I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I know jou vant to do more zen cuddle." I looked at him, his eyes were so dark, shaded somehow.

"Are jou going to tell me no?" His voice was driving me crazy, it was so different for his usual voice.

Once it hit me ears, it went straight to my groin. I couldn't help but shift in my seat. "I'm not going to tell jou no." I kept eye contact with him, but my eyes started traveling over his body. 

"Really? Zis is going to be fun."

No P.O.V.

Gilbert got a bit closer, shifting his leg between Ludwig's. He was almost sitting in his lap now, letting him be close enough to his face. Gilbert leaned forward, letting his eyes flutter shut as he pressed his lips to Ludwig's.

Ludwig gasped, but then let his eyes close, and began kissing the albino back. He didn't really know how, so he just let instinct take over. Their lips move in-sync, only parting to breathe. Gilbert  started getting closer, placing a knee on either side of Ludwig. He was now completely sitting in his lap. Gilbert put his hands on Ludwig's shoulders, sliding them slowly up into his hair. He felt the dampness from a very recent shower, letting his fingers tangle into the blonde locks. Ludwig had moved his hands to Gilbert's hips, gripping them tighter when Gilbert's hands went into his hair.

"Let's go to the bedroom Luddy, it vill be more comfortable zat vay." Ludwig agreed, standing up from the couch taking Gilbert with him. Ludwig held Gilbert's toned body to his own, heading down the hallway towards their room. Gilbert clung to him, he didn't expect the younger to lift him like that. "Jou are so strong Luddy, I dare say jou are stronger zen me. But ve both know zat isn't true."

Written in Ink: Book One (Germacest/PruCan)Where stories live. Discover now