Hilariously Funny Crap To Make People Think Your Insane

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Alohaaa!! I just have to stress that I don't own these stuff...ENJOY MY MINIONS!


Ways to act randomly insane...

1. Regulary discuss your bowel habits as if its normal.

2. In the drive thru make sure to indicate that your order is "to go".

3. Don't plant flowers. Put empty soda cans on sticks and cluster them around your yard. Water them while neighbors do yard work.

4. Sing "Wake Me Up Before You G0-Go" when using public restrooms.

5. Attach large signs to drinking fountains that declare, "FREE WATER TODAY!!!"

6.  Sign up to be an usher at church then stand at the end of every pew and ask, "May I see every one's ticket please?"

7. Suck on yellow and green gummy bears until they're good and slimy. Make hacking noises in an elevator, then spit them into your hand. Show them to the person next to you and ask for a hanky.

8. Walk up to someone waiting for a flight at the airport and say very calmly "Don't get on the plane" and then walk away.

9. Go to a department store fitting room, stay for awhile, then peek out and tell them they're out of toilet paper. LOL

10. Just walk up to a married couple and tell the man: "Good job playa playa, I see you have two wives!" and give him a high five.

11. Go into a bank and scream "EVERYBODY FREEZE!" pause for a moment and then say, "because I lost my contact lenses"

12. (get about 25-50 people to do this with you xD) Your all in a mob and you find a random guy and just scream out "GET HIM!" everyone starts chasing him and he freaks out and runs.

13. When your walking down the sidewalk, just walk up to a random girl who's with a guy and be like "listen last night was fun and all and sorry I didn't call but well I thought I should tell you I didn't use a rubber (condom)"

14. Go into an elevator in a really tall building and wait for a lot of people to get on, then when the door closes and it starts moving say "I hope they fixed the elevator" or " Does any one know how to defuse a bomb under 30 sec" while holding a box.

15. Get into a subway/bus and wait till it starts to move...then pull out a gas mask from your back-pack and put it on. Or just use your hand with a cloth.

16. Go to the mall and follow a random person reapetedly asking them where they're going.

17. Go behind a random person and lean over their shoulder and whisper in their ear " I see dead people"

18. Walk up to a stranger and ask for their autograph.

19. Walk up to a random person, introduce yourself extremely upbeat and friendly-like and end the conversation by saying "It was nice meeting you. It's so cool to talk to people outside of the asylum." Then walk away.

20. Brush your teeth or shave or both in a public bathroom.

21. Stare at somebody and wait till the person is looking at you, lick your lips, pretend to dial, and say "I've found a likely candidate for our...experiment" (talk loudly enough for that person to hear you)

22. Offer to walk an old lady across the street...and then run off when she's halfway across.

23. Talk to a fat person, and no matter what they say answer with "knowing you, you'll wanna supersize that, right?"



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