S.P.E.A.K. - Wattpad Reviews

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Hello there.

My name is Kelly.

This section of my profile will be filled with my book reviews on Wattpad stories.

If you'd like a review, inbox me or post on my message board and then, dependant on the time, I may do one for you or any other story you wish to have reviewed.

I'm trying to make sure all of my reviews are honest and they are exactly what I think of the stories. I apologise for any spoilers that there may be within. I will try my hardest to alert everybody when I accidentally write one when reviewing, but other than that, I'm going to be trying to not let it happen.

I try to give construtive criticism when needed. Though, other than that, I'll basically be using this as a way to describe exactly what I enjoyed, and didn't enjoy in each of the stories.

If you don't like or disagree with what I'm saying in these reviews, I don't really care. These are my thoughts and if you would like to argue a point, feel free. I'd be happy to participate. Other than that, if I enjoy a story, it'll obviously be a generally positive review. If I dislike one, it'll be a more constructive review with advice and the issues I noticed.

If any auhors of the stories I'll be reviewing do not like my review and want it to be taken down, tell me. I won't complain.

Enjoy and I hope this helps you find, or re-discover, some fantastic stories on Wattpad that I grew to love or hate.

Or hit a point between the two.

S.P.E.A.K. - Wattpad ReviewsWhere stories live. Discover now