Chapter Seven

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"Ooh. I know that look" said Sam, winking lecherously over the wall and making Cassandra giggle.

"Oh, and what look is that?" she asked, grinning up at him.

"Somebody's in lurve!" He fluttered his eyelashes, hands clasped over his heart like a bad impression of a swooning Juliet.

"Oh? Who is it this time? Actor? Comedian? Co-worker?"

"Speaking of co-workers - did you hear that Gary quit? Called up this morning, said he wasn't coming back, and that he was leaving town!"

"He did?" Cassandra smirked a little. "What a pity."

"I thought you would be heartbroken." Sam returned the smirk as he perched on her desk. "Anyway, I meant you."

"You meant me what?"

"Being in lurve, my dear. I know that dewy eyed look! Who's the lucky fella?"

Cassandra started and stared at him in surprise. "Me? But, I'm not... I mean... There is no... Er..."

"Yes, your gabbling is very convincing, Cassandra" Sam laughed as she went red. "Why the big secret?"

"I'm not - I mean... er..."

He chuckled and got to his feet again to grin down at her. "Whatever you say, Cassandra."

He sauntered off, leaving Cassandra to her rather confused thoughts.


She was still mulling things over when the silver ball zipped into her room that night and asked if she was ready to come on board.

"Yes, I'm ready." She felt suddenly nervous and had no idea why.

The silver ball flashed in response and zipped away as Cassandra felt herself rise into the air.

When she opened her eyes, Amitiel was standing in front of her and she laughed in surprise at his outfit. Apart from the one time she'd walked in on his workout, she'd only ever seen him in the silver suit - this time he wore a plain black tee shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.

"Aww, you look adorable!" she told him, hugging him hello. She felt him shyly hug her back and the fluttery little feeling in her stomach increased a bit.

"So. Er. You wanted to speak to me?"

Amitiel nodded, not looking at her. "Will you come with me?"

"Of course. What's wrong?"

"I will explain everything, Cassandra. But I need you to be patient for the moment."

"... All right."

He took her hand gently and led her out of the room.

They walked through the ship, not seeing another soul the whole way. It was odd, but since Amitiel had kept a hold of Cassandra's hand, she didn't notice.

He led her to a large door that she was fairly certain she hadn't seen before.

"What's this?"

"It is a surprise. I wanted to show you this before... well. I wanted to show you."

He touched the control panel beside the door and it slid open silently to reveal a beautiful garden beyond. Cassandra gaped for a moment and walked through, unable to believe her eyes.

"Oh Ami! It's gorgeous!" She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the mingling scents of the exotic plants. "What is this place?"

"We call it simply 'the park' " Amitiel replied, smiling at her obvious delight. "There are many different species here, some from Earth, some from Salanthia, some from other worlds. All co-existing and happy with each other."

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