Chapter 2.

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Trust is like a mirror, once it's broken, you can put it back together, but there will still always be cracks in it.” -unknown

The small light, that escaped the cracks of my pink pastel curtains beamed a light directly at my eyes, awoke me up from my lucid dreaming I was beginning to have no control over. So for the first time I gave gratitude to the big ball of gas an astronomical unit away.

I couldn’t help, but think about how the age of the beings on earth, contradicted on how long you’ve lived to expierence the earth making full circles around it, numerous times.

Letting out, a breathe I decided it was time to wake up, so I took a step out of my bed slipping my feet into my house slippers and made my way out of my room, and towards the sun lit kitchen.

The telephone began to ring, just as I was stirring my newly made coffee. I took a small sip, before gripping it, and bringing it up to my ear. “Hello?”

“Afternoon Scarlett.” Said, Jade’s cool voice.

The skin between my brows creased, as I looked up at the ticking wall clock. She was right, it was 1:27pm in the afternoon.

“Ugh. I cannot believe I slept that long.” I admitted, and set the mug of liquid I could never admit I was somewhat addicted to.

I made my way towards the bathroom, to get my morning routine over with.

Jade chuckles on the other side of the line. “Well get your knickers up, and get a move on it.” Jade attempts in mocking my accent.

I shake my head, forgetting she can’t see me. “Do me a favor Jade, and never talk like that again; Also I’m not going anywhere.”

She laughs, like that was the silliest thing I'd ever said. “Not if I can help it, especially when I’m on the other side of your door.”

My heart does a hiccup in my chest, when I hear a slow knock on the door. “Oh my—Jade, you did not.” I said rushing towards it to peep through the hole.

Sure enough, on the other side of the door was the small brunette girl with the dark toned skin, I hadn’t seen her personally, since I left Virginia. She waves cheekily.

I hit end, as I wrapped my fingers around the knob and pulled it open for her time come in. “What are you doing here? How did you even get here?” I ambush her with questions, as her thin arms enveloped me into a hug.

She pulls away, and begins observing my face instead of answering my questions. “Holy shit, your beauty evolution, is even better in person.”

I laughed softly. “Thank you, and I could say no different about you.” I complimented her truthfully.

Jade had shoulder lengthed brown hair, that complimented her brown skin tone and hazel eyes.

“No, but seriously how did you get here, the airports must’ve been jam packed especially this time of year.” I said, leading her towards the living room as she rolled her suitcase onto the wooden floring.

“I know, I’m surprised I’m here today as well, but it’s all thanks to Josh. He bought me a voucher here, as a Christmas present, since he couldn’t spend Christmas with me this year.” Jade explains, taking a seat on the white sofa. “Getting my parents to let me come was a whole another situation, but after I showed them how much Josh had spent on this trip for me they bended.” She explains happily.

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