Chapter 1 Cont.

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I trailed off as I see a figure in the distance.

"Kelemi what's going on ?" I say growing nervous, my skin tingling, pinpricks of unease growing in my stomach. I turn toward Kelemi frightened by his silence. Blood is drained from his face; his mouth slack with disbelief.

"Kelemi, Kelemi what's wrong!!"

"Mae Mae can't you see the blue tinged with gray?"

Confused, I look toward the distance searching for blue in the smoke. Right before I decide that my brother is hallucinating,  I see  it. A slight navy tinge slowly consuming the gray smoke.

"But Kelemi... blue smoke hasnt been seen in over 95 years!!!"

By that time the figure is on us, gasping for air, each breath clawing at their lungs.

It's Navu!!

"Mae Mae, Kelemi.. you must your father.."  says Navu desperately.

"What about father?!", I ask my attention focused. " will somebody please say what's going on !!!"

Navu collapses unable to say anymore.

"Mae Mae we must hurry back to the village, our family could be in danger!"

I agree. We run back to the village . No time to grab our supplies.

We run until our hearts burn with each frantic beat. We run soo fast and soo quick, our feet pound the ice like tribal drums.

Father, Father, Father,    repeats over and over in my head

please be safe..

*The Epic of Mae Mae* ( An Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now