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Careful, animal of wits,

you are walking on thin ice.

Do not let the feelings you have for these mice make you do something unkind.

Your eyes are locked in,

this creature could be your friend;

but you continue to prance and prowl,

until an owl sweeps down and takes your pray.

No luck in the animal kingdom today,

so you leap into the sky,

hoping you can feast on bird tonight.

Suddenly, a loud burst from underneath your leap;

the ice has cracked,

consuming you under the water,

where you see a fish.

This makes you whisk in its direction, but then you are snatched by a human hand,

brought to a cold world of demand.

The wind seems much more turbulent then before,

so you make home in the arms of this human you grow to adore.

Time heals all your wounds, and the love from your lifetime friend brought you much happiness.

No longer forced to hunt,

your master brings home a bunch of food portioned into pebbles so you have an easy feast.

Forever in the arms of this beast.

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