Chapter One

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It was late August the nights were just turning cold in Surrey, on nights like this you could find young Rose Weasley outside reading one book after another. Some commented how much like her mother she was. Rose's fire red hair danced in the summer breeze as she flipped the page. The Tale of Three Brothers sat in her lap, it was one of her favorites, the binding was ripped and frayed with ware and the pages were beginning to fall out, but she would refuse to put it down.

Next to her sat her mother, Hermione Weasley, who looked like she hadn't aged a bit since her days at Hogwarts. Hermione was also reading, The Constant Princess. Rose sometimes watched her mom and wondered why a beautiful, smart woman would fall in love and marry her father, Ron Weasley. He was such a goof, even for his age, you would have thought he'd grown out of it, but there he was messing around with Hugo. Rose knew they loved each other more than anything in this world, but like every twelve year old you wonder why.

About seventy-three miles east of the Weasley home was Malfoy Manor which harbored none other than the Malfoy family. Inside the large home lived Draco Malfoy along with his young red headed wife Stormy Carmichael Malfoy and their happy blonde son Scorpius. The young Malfoy had his father's looks. He was a small blonde boy with piercing grey eyes and a sharp pointed face. Other than his looks Scorpius also inherited his father's Quidditch skills. Draco and Stormy both swore that one day he would be the captain of his house Quidditch team, which of course would be Slytherin. From his mother Scorpius received smarts and he was going to prove it when he attended Hogwarts. Young Scorpius was perfect in his parent's eyes and he believed it. Did I mention he had an ego the size of Draco's, maybe even bigger?

The Malfoy's had just finished dinner when their house elf Clover came out of the kitchen carrying a cake covered in green icing. Scorpius' face lit up in joy knowing that his Hogwarts letter officially arrived.

Clover sat the cake in front of Scorpius as his mother, Stormy, slid a letter in front of him. Quickly he tore into the letter and upon seeing the Hogwarts coat of arms he squealed with delight!

"Yes! Finally!" Scorpius yelled throwing his letter into the air not reading the rest of the letter. "I'm going to rub it in Brooks' face."

Scorpius jumped up from the table and ran towards the stairs.

"Should we tell him his cousin got his letter before he did?" Draco asked.

"Let him have his moment, Brooks will ruin it soon enough." Stormy said speaking of her loving nephew Brooks Zabini. The Zabini line also continued with Braelyn. The two children weren't only siblings but twins, who were the offspring of Stormy's twin sister Rainy.

"Maybe they'll all be in Slytherin." Draco said taking a drink from his goblet.

The next morning Hermione and Ron presented their oldest child with her letter to Hogwarts. Rose quickly opened it up with an already knowing look on her face. As she slipped out the letter she took a deep breath.

"Dear Miss Weasley, we are please to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, enclosed is you're a list of necessary books and equipment for all incoming first years." Rose shrieked. Hermione reached for the list of school books as Rose handed it to her. Her face was beaming with excitement.

"You know, these are all the books we- well your mother used, our first year. You could just use those." Ron said staring at the list over his wife's shoulder.

"But Dad, I want my own." Rose whined. Hermione looked at Ron and sighed.

"Well, I pretty much burned through mine, and your fathers were used for centuries." Hermione said. "We can defiantly buy you your own new books!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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