Perfection exists.

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She hasn't been my oldest friend in my life. She hasn't always been there with me throughout all the stupid things I've done. She's never seen me truly sociopathic and asking all sh*t. She hasn't seen how weird I cant truly be, and hasn't seen how mean I really am. But if tomorrow comes, she can always see, right?

Tori is one of my best best best best friends. I love her to death, and thats the simple way to put it. You cant describe that girl in one word, and get away with it. She's not crazy, she's not dumb, she's not pathetic. She's perfect, and even that's not enough to cover it.

If you looked at someone and saw that they are fans of some lame 1960's serial drama with a looney dude who looks like rats fed on him; what would you think? Ewe? Yeah, you've got it right. Well Tori would be that person. She'll love that guy who stands in a group waiting for someone to high-five him when nobody does, she'll like that guy who is in love with his best-friend but never tells because his girlfriend has iSsues. And we're just talking Hollywood celebrities here. =) Out in the real world, Tori will be that girl who likes that cricketer off the field.. and she just won't stop talking about him. She'll like some guys named Patrick, Peter or anyone whose name starts with the alphabet "P" and then just pretend she doesn't. :)

To you- she might seem pathetic. To you- even if you've known her long, you might think she's stupid. But she isn't. So stop saying that. We all say how it doesn't matter if anyone is different- well how about we put it in practice? How about we learn to accept people for who they are?

She's not that person who you can know by sitting behind her during class or by standing with her in her spot in the recess. She's not that person who you can just assume anything about because she refuses to say "Hi" to you. She has a reason for doing anything- if she doesn't like you, then chances are you're super lame. Or really weird. Suit yourself. :)

She'll make you laugh with the weirdest of things- with the most abnormal happenings. She'll say things that you could only imagine in your wildest dreams, she'll say things that make you realise how deep she can really go. Whatever she says, always always has truth in it. You might think she's lying, but guess what- she isn't. Keep in mind what she says now, 'cause either tomorrow or after the next 10 seconds, you'll be wishing you listened to her. She's a genuis in all the right places- she's an expert in everything, be it English, Urdu, Math, Biology.. And I kind of suspect something going on between her and the Chemistry teacher. =/ *Shhhh**

She laughs like a dork- and says really really wrong things at the really wrong times. And somehow, all her idiocrisies make me believe that perfection does exist. She is perfect- in her own, stupor little human way. =)

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