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"Jeffrey Hughes," I told the guy for the hundreth time.  I'd explained the whole story to the guy about a dozen times as well.  He was stupid though and didn't seem to understand that I didn't steal anything.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna put you back in the cell for now and I'll let you know when I find this so called Jeffrey Hughes," he told me.  A gaurd grabbed me by the hand cuffs and put me back in the cell.  I was in there with a bunch of crackheads and drunks.  The guys cell was right across from us.  I started laughing.  I don't exactly know why but it just seemed to fit the moment.  All the cells went silent and were staring at me.  I jst couldn't get a grip and continued to laugh.  You might think it would've been like the movies where all of a sudden all the criminals have a huge epiphony and join in on the laughter.  It wasn't like that at all.  After no one seemed to laugh with me, my laughter started to die down into nothing but complete annoyance.  It just isn't as much fun to laugh alone.  I cleared my throat.  Some girl called me a freak and all I could wonder was 'how am i the freak when you have one hundred peircings, tatoos all over and you've taken in so many drugs that they're puffing out of you ears?'

"Hey princess," a guy called to me.  Why does everyone always refer to me as Princess?  Do I come off as rich and snooty because I can assure you, I'm not.

"I'm not a princess," I sighed. 

"My queen," he said, although it came out more as a question, as if to ask permission for something. 

"Yes, my peasant," I replied. 

"I hope you're aware that I'm missing the best shows on AdultSwim right now because of this," he said, his voice angry now.  Okay so I may have skipped a minor detail.  It wasn't a random guy.  It was Parker, of course.  But, in all honesty, he could've been god for all I noticed.  I was too overwhelmed by the stench and the eyesores in this shit hole.  I shook my head.

"Not my problem."

"Umm yeah it is.  If you hadn't wanted the iPhone so badly we wouldn't have been in this mess."

"Don't complain to me.  Complain to Jessica," I told him with an uninterested tone as I looked at my finger nails.

"Who the hell is Jessica?"

"I don't know.  But, I know her phone number.  If you want you could always use your one phone call to call Jessica and complain about our predicament."

"Thanks for the offer but I already used it on Jackson."

"Yet again," I told him.  "Not my problem."  He was getting annoyed, I could tell.  The gaurd came up to me after speaking with the police officer.

He unlocked the barred door and grabbed me out.  He then grabbed Parker from that cell.  "Sorry about the misunderstanding."

"Oh, it's fine.  Happens all the time," I replied to him.  He just looked at me with a wierd expression and shook his head as if he thought he'd imagined something completely out of the ordinary.  He then grabbed Parker from his cell and we walked side by side.

"What is this?" he whispered to me with confusion all over his face.

 "You're welcome," I said with a grin, although not turning my head to look at him.

"Thanks," he mumbled.  We were headed to his car now which the policeman had so generously parked in the far back of the parking lot.  "How'd you get us out anyway?"

"My brother in law is the head of the prison," I told him casually.

"Of course," he said.

"Of course," I repeated with a smile.  I think it really got to his nerves, but I couldn't tell for sure.  "Apparently Jackson bailed on you?"

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