Chapter One

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Black. All my eyes were able to see was darkness. Aimlessly, I wandered into the vast, perpetual emptiness, desperately searching for an indication of something. Anything.

Ever since I was a young child, I could not bare to be alone at any given moment, not even for a minute. Memories of quivering uncontrollably with fear in the secure hold of my mother's arms at night started to play within my mind. As far as I can recall, nothing could comfort me more than her smooth, promising touch and the way her wavy, dark auburn hair tickled my cheeks as I fell fast asleep in her warm embrace. It was one of the only clear memories I have left of my mother and I can still remember it like it was only yesterday. Looking back on the fond memory, when I had not a single care in the world except from the imaginary monster under my bed, made the empty space in the pit of my stomach swell with grief and despair. Occasionally, I remembered how I pretended to see the monster just so I could drift to sleep in the heavenly world only my mother could conjure for me.

Strangely enough, almost as if my thoughts were said aloud and heard, a brief gust of chilled air sent almost painful goosebumps across my translucent skin that glowed in this world of pitch black. Within seconds, every single inch of my body was standing on end. My gut screamed danger as my pace quickened. Despite the fact deep down I knew it would not make a difference, I wished I had not searched for company within this dark realm.

Sub- zero fingers brushed against my tender skin in a torturously slow manner, sending paralysing shivers down my spine. Although I did not know who, or what this creature was, the tightening in my throat told me it was not safe to be around. Death lingered in the air and instincts told me I needed to leave, immediately. But I could not move, incapacitated with terror. Indecipherable whispers lightly touched my ear. Breathing erratically, I began to sprint for my life.

Slowly, I sensed my pursuer's presence getting closer indicating that the chase was almost over. The nothingness had swallowed me in and it was time to surrender to the inexorable fate, that I was in defeat. I gathered myself to prepare myself for what was ahead. My heart pattered like a machine gun.

Suddenly, frosty breath caressed my cheek.
Familiar icy blue eyes gave me an intense stare, awakening every nerve in my body. A low snarl came from the creature and our bodies were in such a close proximity that I could feel the vibrations from the sound.

"Andi," it sneered ferociously, my brain told me this creature was clearly not human.

"Kill her."

I awoke.

Violent palpitations dominated my chest and small beads of perspiration gathered like raindrops on my forehead. Through swollen eyes, I searched for the glowing red numbers of my alarm clock.


As hard as I tried, I could not shake the formidable sense of foreboding, most likely given to me by the recurring nightmare I continue to have, every single night. Each time I experienced my mind's personal hell, it brought me closer to the end. Perhaps tomorrow I would finally uncover the truth, but, for now I had other matters to deal with.
Today is the day my new life begins.

Finally, after 18 years of longing and hard work, I will be attending a prestigious university and begin to study veterinary science, converting my dreams into a reality.
From when I was younger, ever since I can remember, in fact, I have aspired to become a veterinarian, exactly like my father was. Now my dream has been put into action, I feel closer to him more than ever.

Thinking of him, particularly the realisation that it has been over 2 years since his and my mother's death caused my sorrow heart to sting, swelling from the pain. Inner demons begin to gnaw their way into my head, causing thoughts and feelings of guilt, anguish and a dangerous mixture of powerful emotions to take over. These thoughts occupy me whilst I try to ready myself for the eventful day ahead. In hopes of washing the thoughts and gut wrenching feelings, I got into the shower, hot water scolding my back and triggering patches of red across my body. Unexpectedly, I felt numb to the pain from the heat.

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