Amusement Park part 2

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It's five o'clock now. We've rode on almost all the rides.

I rode the ride similar to Splash Mountain with Jonghyun. Yeah we knew its like 30 degrees outside, but we still got splashed by cold water. It's fun hanging with Jjong. He enjoys all that adventure and crazy stuff. Maybe not that big one that me and Minho when first but, still, you get what I mean. (right?)

Key and I went to the rides that spun us around like crazy! I know Key's a afraid of heights, so why isn't he afraid of places like this?

Yoogeun and I went to every ride that he could go to, since he's still pretty short. Mostly baby rides, but he still enjoyed them. I got to get closer with Yoogeun, and have that brother-sister relationship.

Taemin and I went to the haunted house and the big ride (the one Minho and I went on) Taemin was dead scared before we even started the ride. I told him it would be fine, since we are attached to the seats and the carts would NOT fall off the rail. I went into the haunted house I and HATED it. I hate haunted houses. I was so scared like I-wanted-to-pee-in-my-pants scared. During the entire walk in the house, I was clinging on to Taemin's arm for dear life! There were things that poked at my foot, or water that sprayed in my face (it was suppose to represent blood like ew) or even fake arms that tried to grab me away from Taemin. I had my eyes closed the entire time, so I didn't see anything. We decided that both of us got scared so each of us gave five bucks to Minho. (rolls eyes) He was happier than ever to receive free money. Aish, he can be so childish sometimes (but its adorable).

Right now, all of us are walking around the rose garden.

"Which rides do want to go on after this?" Onew asked Yoogeun. He looked around, searching for something that would catch his attention.

"That one!" Yoogeun said pointing to the pirate boat that spun around and swayed side to side.

"Yeah! That one looks like fun! Let's go!" We all said, well, except for Key.

We all walked to the ride and waited in line for about five minutes. When it was our turn, me, Minho, and Taemin sat at the highest part, where we could enjoy it the most. Yoogeun, Onew and Jonghyun sat in the row infront of us. Key sat in the row infront of them.

The boat slowly started to sway and shifted up and down.

"AH I don't like this already! Its gonna get higher isn't it!" Key said.

"HAHA Don't worry its lots of fun!" Jonghyun shouted back.

There were barely anything secure, so we had to hang on for dear life, or you would fall off the ride and get run over by the boat. Soon the ride ended.

"Dang that was fun!" I said.

"Yeah. Did you enjoy it Yoogeun?" Taemin asked.

"YEAH! Where do we go next?" Yoogeun exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Let go on the Ferris Wheel!" Onew suggested.

"But it goes so high!" Key complained, looking at the giant wheel tat spun slowly.

"Don't complain! I thought Yoogeun was suppose to be the one being the baby not you!" Jonghyun said. Ahaha! Its funny how Jonghyun tease Key like this. Key glared at Jjong and pouted.

All seven of us walked over to the giant Ferris wheel. It reminded me of the one in Disneyland, although it wasn't as large as it, but almost.

"Wait, only two people can fit in one cart, well Yoogeun could probably fit with two appas." Onew remarked.

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