LA here we come !

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*Amber’s POV*

I’m so excited to move to LA, I really hope we get the penthouse, and I’ll finally be able to see Josh (Drummer of One Direction) again. His parents and mine are really good friends, his father met mine when my dad went to college together. 2 years ago me and my parents visited them for 2 weeks. Josh and I became really close as we spend everyday together, but we had to say our goodbyes again. I never lost contact with him since then, even not when he became famous.

 It’s also been one of mine and the girls dreams to move to Cali for so long.

*Tara’s POV*

“OMG.. AMBER! ESMERALDA! COME HERE NOW!”, I yelled. My friends both came running to me. 

“What’s wrong?”, Esmeralda said.

“LOOK!”, I screamed as I pointed to an e-mail on my laptop. When they read the e-mail we looked at eachother and started hugging while jumping up and down from excitement.


“YESS!”, me and Esmeralda said in unison. We really couldn’t believe it.

 When I saw the e-mail I couldn’t keep it anymore. I flipped out!

*Esmeralda’s POV*

Omg finally my dream gonna come true! I really can’t wait to leave this shithole country even though I’m gonna miss my family so much! But I’ve wanted to go ever since I was little, and to go there with my 2 best friends makes everything better!

*Amber’s POV*

Omg I think I’m gonna have to tell Josh now. I’m really excited to see him again and spend some time with him, it’s been a long time, I miss my best friend. I got my phone out and called him.

“Hi Amber, how r u doing?”, he said.

“JOSH, you’re not gonna believe this!”, I responded.

“Wait What?” he said with his cute English accent.

“I’m moving to LA! Me and my friends got the penthouse!”. I didn’t hear anything on the other side of the line. “Josh? U there?”, I said confused.

“Omg Amber, you serious? I can’t wait to see you again!”, he yelled.

“Haha I miss you to Josh”, I chuckled.

“Amber… If there’s anything I can help you with like moving and stuff, just call me ok?”, he said.

“Thank you Josh I will, I’ll talk to you soon! Bye”.

“Bye Amber!”.

*Josh’s POV*

I really can’t believe this, I’m gonna see her again. Maybe now I can tell her how I feel about her. Ever since she and her parents visited us I can’t stop thinking about her. When I looked into her beautiful blue eyes for the first time my heart skipped a beat. When we had to say our goodbyes I was so heartbroken, I thought I was never gonna see her again. Those 2 weeks are really special to me, every minute I spend with her were just perfect. But she never knew how I really felt bc I never told her.

 _________________ A week later

*Esmeralda’s POV*

“GIRLS GET UP!”, I shouted from downstairs.

They never wake up in time, so annoying. We had to be at the airport around 2pm and we would be at LAX Airport in the morning. It was 10 o’clock, and it was an hour drive to the airport and we still had to say our goodbyes to our family. They really need to hurry.

“GIRLSS!”, I knew they heard me but they just kept sleeping.

I started making breakfast, I made pancakes and toast. I ate my breakfast and left some for them. I went to the bedroom and they were still in bed. I decided to jump on their bed.

“GET THE FUCK UP YOU TWO! We have to be ready in one and half hour! I made breakfast for you!", I screamed in their ears.

They got up fast and went to the kitchen and ate there breakfast as I went to take a shower and got ready. When I was done they showered and got ready as well.

 _______________ Later

Tara and I were ready to go and packed our suitcases in the car. We had shipped a lot of our stuff over to LA already. Josh picked the moving boxes up for us took them to our penthouse. He seems like a really nice lad.

*Tara’s POV*

Esmeralda and I were ready to go as we waited in the car with everything packed, still waiting for Amber.

“Amber hurry up!”, I said while honking the horn.

We saw Amber quickly shutting the door and took a seat in the back of the car.

“sorry”, she said.

“Well it’s time to go girls, LA were coming!”, I said really excited.

“Bye house!”, Esmeralda and Amber said as they were waving at the house. I started the car and drove to our parents houses and we said our goodbyes.

*Josh’s POV*

Finally I’m going to see her again! I think I should go to bed now bc I have to pick them up in the morning at LAX airport. I helped them by taking the moving boxes they shipped over to their penthouse, like seriously no joke, it was a beautiful house and pretty big as well! The living room had white walls and big windows with black curtains, really nice white sofa’s and a lot of pillows in red, black and white. The kitchen was white with a black bar and a big black dining table. They had 5 bedrooms, and they all had bathrooms. This house if perfect!

*Amber’s POV*

Right before we got on the plane and had to shut our cellphones off I texted Josh.

 To: Joshh! :)

“I’m on my way! See you soon! Xx”

 Josh replied right away even though the time difference .

From: Joshh! :)

“Can’t wait to see you babe! I’ll be waiting at the airport for you guys! Xx”

I chuckled when I saw his text, he really was excited for us to come to LA. I’ve really missed him. I shut off my phone and looked over to Esmeralda who was listening to music on her IPod as Tara was struggling to get her seatbelt on. As soon as she had it on she laid back and closed her eyes. I looked out the window for a while when I started dozing off into a sleep.


 So this was the first chapter, I hope you liked it! Were just beginners so sorry if we spell things wrong or something. I think i'm gonna update TONIGHTT ! 

please comment and vote if you want an update !

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