Trapped In Thought

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Huge thank you to SAIMA_2608 for the amazing cover! :)

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As I drove home, I fought my emotions and forced myself to hold it together. I hated crying, especially in public, but my walls were crumbling and I couldn't hold it in. A few tears had slipped as I went, but I still held in the rest. I knew once I got to my room and tucked myself into bed, there would be no going back.

I pulled into my driveway and pulled my keys from the ignition. I stared at my house for a moment, searching for the energy to leave my car and walk the four yards to my front door.

After what seemed to be a significant amount of time, I got out and headed up to the entrance. Another tear slipped out and I could feel myself giving in to the sadness. My throat began to close up and before the door even closed behind me I was full-on crying.

I dropped my keys onto the table in the hallway, but I missed and they clattered onto the floor. I stared at them as silent tears wet my cheeks.

"Brynn?" My head snapped up to see my mother standing at the end of the hallway with a worried look on her face. I hadn't even heard her approach me.

"What happened, baby doll? Why are you crying?" She came over to stand in front of me. She placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on the side of my head and looked me up and down for any injuries. "Are you hurt?"

My mouth tugged further into a frown and I bit down on my lip when it began to tremble.

"I messed up, mom." I choked out.

Her eyes were filled with concern. "Tell me what happened."

A sob escaped me as I shook my head and looked down in shame. My hands went up and pressed against my face, shielding me from having to look at my mother. I didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes when she found out what I'd done.

My body shook from how much I was trying to hold everything in. I swallowed and lowered my hands, instead bringing them around my stomach. I stared down at my shoes.

"They hate me, mommy." My voice cracked and that was all it took for the flood gates to open and for me to break down.

The reality of the situation was finally hitting me full force and it was agonizing.

I'd heard my friends and other girls talk about heartbreak, and how badly it felt, but I could never have imagined this. I'd never given my heart to anyone but Jaxon. I'd regrettably given up my virginity early, yes, but my heart had stayed with me.

Now, I was regretting ever coming up with this plan. This was a pain that I'd never felt before. It cut deep.

I'd ruined it. I should have told Melanie and Jaxon everything the moment I realized I was falling for him. I should have been the one to tell him, then maybe things would have been different. Now he couldn't even stand to look at me and it broke me knowing that.

My mother instantly wrapped her arms around me as sobs wracked my body. She squeezed me tightly and spoke softly, trying to calm me down.

"Cammy, what's happened?" I pried my eyes open and looked over my mother's shoulder at my father. He walked over immediately with worry crossing his features. "Brynn, what's wrong?"

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