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Hi! So, this is a super short story for my English subject, and I just wanna share it here ^^ Vote and comment your opinions :)


"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE! GET ME OUT! PLEASE! SOMEBODY!" I kept banging the metal door, hoping that someone would get me out of this damn room filled with fresh corpses and decomposed bones--note the frightening skulls with a bit of the raw eyeballs left.. ew. I know, I need to get out quick, or I'll be replacing these. My knuckles started to bruise and bleed--too much for punching the door, which is a metalic one; cool, right?

I know you're wondering.. Why am I acting calm and relax? I knew, already, that this will happen. I have received death threats and I've heard rumors about this place. They say that, behind the name of this place (Ripson Abrek), truths and lies are a plenty. Many people die (murdered rather), policemen are worthless and liars, and they tend to run a game for village commoners, and the best part is, Ripson Abrek is a code name that simply translates to Prison Break.

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