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Going around in circles,

At the start, consumed with confusion,

Dither over that huge decision,

Feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Round and around and around,

Weigh up the pros and cons. Pointless.

Don't know what you want,

Don't know what you had till it's gone.

Creeping round the circumference,

Bury head in pillow. Frustration.

Same people, same place,

Same you, same mistakes.

Reach 180 degrees,

Same experiences time and time again,

You never learn, recall, retain,

You're fed up but know you should be grateful.

Dancing around the diameter,

Life knocks you down, you get back up,

You win some, lose others,

Try and try, can't find your talent, passion.

A radius' distance away,

Life's a struggle but you don't mind,

Just wish you could find a goal, a point,

Looking for a reason, special meaning.

Back where you started, circle complete,

Piece life together, ignore its ugly side,

For to give up is so cowardly. Pointless,

After all, the circle must go on.

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