Chapter 4

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Angelica’s P.O.V

I still had last period left but I didn’t care as I ran past the school building, past the parking lot and almost the whole way home, “how could I let that happen?” I screamed at myself, “Idiot, Idiot, Idiot! I repeated as I slowed down to a walk. My head was spinning and I couldn’t make sense of anything anymore no matter how simple they seemed, I kicked a pebble with my shoe as I neared my house and came to a stand still infront of it. I couldn’t go in, mom would be home and she would want to know what I was doing home so early so I went around the back and climbed into my old tree house. The tree house of dreams, that’s what we called it when I was little, every time I just needed time away from everything I retreated here, when my parents became rough I usually hid in here as they are both afraid of heights and never thought of looking for me here.

The tree house was old yet still just as sturdy as the day we put it up, inside was an old red couch which stood in the one corner with a small coffee table in front of it, in the middle of the tree house was a large rug which gave the place that home feeling. On the other end of the tree house was a cd player, and an old trunk stuffed with some of my old toys as well as some personal belongings like my journal and few sets of clothing which I hid here for in case of emergencies as well as a few bags of snacks like potato chips, peanuts, cookies and sweets, I had a small bar fridge as well which was always equipped with soda’s. The door to the tree house was always locked and I had the only key, I didn’t want just anybody to come up here and go through my stuff. As I entered I locked the door behind me and switched on the large stand lamp next to the couch and slumped down on it, I loved the smell of this place, always had that fresh wood smell. The walls of the tree house was decorated with band posters, pictures of me and friends which included Sky, Loch, Faine and Jane, we were always laughing and joking around s the pictures made the place look like such a happy place, one would never guess this is where I come to hideout when things became too much.

I kicked off my shoes and laid down on the couch, as my eyes scanned the room taking in all the happiness with which it was decorated, tears began welling up in my eyes as I couldn’t help but wish everything was back to how it was then. I wiped the tears away as they rolled down my cheek and slowly fell asleep into another dimension where my life was exactly how I wanted it, plain and simple, no drama, no Sky and no pain.

I jerked awake about 2 hours later, as I looked out the window I could see the sun just about to start setting, I sat upright and pulled the phone out of my pocket, there was a text from Jane asking where I was but I didn’t feel like talking to her and flipped it shut once more. As I got up and grabbed a soda from the fridge I started thinking about Robyn, she kissed me out of the blue like it was nothing, that’s probably what it was to her, nothing. I’m just another girl on her radar whom she’s going to push aside once she got what she what she wanted, but what was it that she wanted? I sipped on my Coke as I paced up and down the tree house, I didn’t understand what was going on, but a small part of me wanted to know, was curious and wanted to see where this goes. I finished my coke and threw the empty can into a wastebasket at the door, grabbed my backpack and made my way down the tree to the house.

I slowly opened the door and peeked inside, mom was home and I could hear her in the living room watching T.V, I opened up the door the whole way and went inside, she must have heard me since as soon as I set both my feet inside the house she called me. I could feel everything in me drop as I sighed and made my way to the living room. “Where have you been?” she asked me without even looking away from the television, I took too long to answer and she turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “I was at Jane’s house, we had an assignment to finish,” I lied as I shifted my bag on my shoulder. My mom seemed to believe me as she just turned back to the television, I walked out of the room to the kitchen to get some lunch which would probably be my dinner as well and ran up the stairs to my room. Frisky was lying on my bed fast asleep, little aware of me about to run and grab her, she put up quite a fight and I was the one retreating with battle scars. “Oh Frisky, I love you so much,” I told the cat as I watched her walk away from the bed to the window. She seemed so content with her life, why could we all be like that I thought to myself.

Robyn’s P.O.V

“Great you big shmuck!” I yelled at myself as I went back into the school building to look for Ange, I needed to apologize for just kissing her but I couldn’t find her anywhere in sight. Jane stood at her locker a few meters from me and I decided Jane would probably know where she is, I didn’t know wether she would talk to me but it was worth a try. I jogged up to Jane and tapped her softly on the shoulder which made her spin around, she started saying something but stopped as soon as she saw me standing there with a goofy smile. “Oh hi Robyn,” she started rather confused with my presence, “you looking for Ange?” she asked. I was stunned, how on earth did she know I was looking for Angelica, “Uh yeah, you know where she is?” I asked still confused. Jane gave a giggle most guys would find adorable but it irritated me to the point of no return. “Nope, last I saw of her was in History,’ she told me nonchalantly. I turned around and walked away not even bothering with a goodbye to Jane, I was beyond irritated with myself. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, glanced at it for a few seconds and just shoved it back. I needed to give her time, that all.

The next couple of days went by surprisingly uneventful, I saw Angelica in the school hall but it appeared every time she noticed me, she started walking faster. Every day I had to stop myself from going over to her, “Time Robyn that’s all she needs… “ I would tell myself, turn around and walk away. Friday was upon us and I was so excited to see Hayden, I missed her so much! Dechen and Jett were their usual selves when we went to fetch Hayden at the airport, Dechen was sitting on a bench reading a magazine and Jett was bouncing around me like a little kid, it was hard to think he is actually a high school kid. Dech and Hayden knew each other but this was a first for Jett, he has never met her before and the only pictures we had, Hayden was 4. The terminal doors opened up and I wasn’t sure who was more excited me or Jett? We waited and waited but couldn’t see Hayden anywhere, I tried calling her but there was no answer, Just as I was about to call again Dech called to us. Slightly irritated I stomped to him, ”what?” I demanded. He shook his head and said, “sorry sis but she’s not coming, mom just phoned to let us know your dad is sick in the hospital and she’s staying to watch him.” I couldn’t believe my ears, typical dad he always had something which kept Hayden from coming to see us. I threw the flowers I bought in the trash and walked out of the airport, almost knocking over a guy in my way. Dechen And Jett came running after, calling me to slow down but I couldn’t, I was too furious.

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