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I ran.

Swiftly, quickly... In utter desperation. Like a small, fragile field mouse, heart thumping rapidly, frightfully attempting to escape the razor-like talons of a fierce, predatory owl.
Only, in the place of mundane claws, it was essential for me to elude immaculate, white fangs, laced with a silky, toxic venom. And, the creature who possesses them, along with an insatiable thirst for the scarlet blood pulsating throughout my veins and arteries.

As I ran, sheaths of green assailed my flanks. I ignored the sharp stings of the gnarled, twisted thorns tearing away at my limbs. Hot, crimson blood trickled like small rivulets down my legs.
Will I ever see this again? My home?

Home. Memories of being a naïve child and playing on my bicycle; my oblivious, innocent laughter filling the warm summer air. Walking home from an extensive day at college in the crisp autumn, golden brown and rust coloured leaves crackling under my feet, cheerful voices filling the park and always accompanied by the comforting scent emanating from the local bakery. Those were now distant echoes of a life that I am not certain was even real; replaced with nightmares that sent agonising shivers throughout my entire body and the never ending pounding of my heartbeat, resonating through my chest.

All the familiar places I once knew were now gone.

If only it was just a nightmare, if only this was not happening, if only I found break away from this cruel reality into the comforting world I ached for.

A world where I was not in a constant battle, where I could hope, dream and aspire to achieve more than to keep my heart beating and oxygen in my lungs. Most importantly, where I could live, not just survive.

Sweeping down my legs, dull aches began to convert into numbness and the wet of spelled tears I had not even acknowledged now dried to a crusting, salty stain.

In spite of all this, like machinery, I continued. Although in this moment it appeared to be futile, I persevered. I would not stop. I could not stop.

I ran.

Immortal Blood: AwakenedWhere stories live. Discover now