Chapter 9: Lady Irene

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You stand frozen as Laurance kisses you for the first time. You know that you're blushing like crazy, but right now, you don't care. He leans back, finishing the kiss, and you stare at him, not even able to form words. Then you feel someone grabbing you from behind. A guard. Laurance looks at you one last time before taking off running.

You don't fight the guards as they drag you back through the giant hallway. In fact, you just go limp, not caring. You pass Aphmau and Garroth, who stand side by side, with their weapons raised. The guards around them smile wickedly and they close in on their prey. Your guards, not expecting a sudden fight, jump back as you twist around and kick one.

You draw out your dagger again, and slash a guard in the back, nearly stabbing through the armour. The guard freezes, and whirls around, giving Aphmau and Garroth plenty of time to escape. Garroth slides through a gap, but one guard cuts off his escape, and stabs him in the leg.

It's all a blur. Aphmau screaming, and you killing the guard. You strike the final blow, and the guard collapses. You turn to Garroth quickly, the wound is deep, but not fatal.

"Go. I'll be fine." You say, and Aphmau nods to you quickly, and shoots you a painful smile, and props Garroth up and they continue running. You then turn around, and take a deep breath. You drop your dagger and walk towards the guards.


They dropped you off in this prison cell about an hour ago, and you're already bored out of your mind. They had to knock you out to bring you here, so your head throbs. You stand up with a wince as your sore muscles scream in protest.

You haven't planned an escape yet, as Zane would need to release you from the tracking gem for any escape to work. Your prison walls seem to be covered in stone, but you remember from your time in O'Khasis prisons before, that underneath the stone is two layers of obsidian. You've been in this exact cell before. It was the one they first put you in when they first captured you.

You wish you could just go back to being the young bandit girl with both her parents beside her. You shake your head, thinking like this will only discourage you. The three guards stationed outside your cell stand diligently, not moving or making a sound. You've made up a little game with a small rock you found on the floor of your cell. You ask a yes or no question, and you flip the rock. If it lands on the bumpy side facing upwards, it means no, and if the flat side faces upwards, it means yes.

"Will I escape this prison?" You whisper, and toss the rock. No.

"Will someone rescue me?" Yes.

You hesitate before asking the final question. "Does Laurance like me?" The rock flips, and lands on yes. You smile.

"Y/N. The High Priest requests your presence." The head guard of O'Khasis stands in front of you. You quickly get up.

"Uh, okay." Your voice sounds scratchy from only whispering for the last hour. You clear your throat. "Should we go now?"

"Yes." At least five guards accompany you to your destination. You admire the flawless beauty of the stone carvings done on the walls, that show battles and flowers and scenes from legends. A small one depicting Lady Irene catches your eye. As a bandit, you never worshipped her, but maybe it's time to start.

You silently ask her to lead you along a path that will help you escape. You stare at the carving, not taking your eyes off it. You nearly jump as the carving winks at you. You frantically look from side to side, but nobody else seems to have seen it.

All of a sudden, a guard stops the group.

"This path is closed, please take another one." You notice the guard looks almost exactly like what Lady Irene looked like in the legends. She smiles at you, and the moment the other guards turn away, she disappears into thin air.

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