Professor K

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Spencer's pov
It was all to quiet. Me, Ivy, and Professor K were sitting in an empty room and we didn't know what to say. The anonymous letter had spread panic over the mission. a Lot of things could go wrong here. Someone could get hurt, not that i cared but i don't wanna get in trouble or go to jail. Ivy sat there with a poker face and emotionless eyes and you never know what she could be thinking. You could tell she was thinking if her eyes stayed on one spot for a long time. I swear she could just sit there and not blink for hours, literally. "Shit" muttered Professor K. He looked pretty stressed. If your wondering, Professor K (Professor Kurt) was a 26 year old man who was really bossy. He's a professional agent and has been working for CIA for a long time. He was trusted and respected. He was technically my boss. He was pacing back and forth. The note was pretty threatening. Professor K pulled out cool looking guns and handed it to both of us. "These are for protection only, i swear to god if you use these for "fun" i will be MAD" he said sternly. He seemed to be specifically talking to Ivy. I wasn't surprised, Ivy loved to cause trouble. We slid them into our bags and walked out of the room. Me and Ivy went into the elevator and went down to the main floor. We walked to the city train and went to school.


It was Biology class and i absolutely hated it. It was so useless and lame. We were dissecting frogs. I looked At Ivy and she was enjoying the dissection. She was so into it. Maybe she'll become a surgeon? Nah i can see her becoming a serial killer dissecting humans and laughing manically. Yup that sounds just about right. I looked into my bag to find a pen and glanced at my gun. I cant believe the CIA trusts 13 year olds with guns. Like seriously!

Me and Ivy ran out of the school. Ivy took out her tracking device and made her way to our criminal. She stopped immediately when she entered the criminals backyard. There was a window open from the basement and there was some mumbling. I came closer and saw a moving figure in the dark room. "I think i see something!" Ivy said as she looked closer into the window. 
I nodded and looked ever closer. I then skipped a heartbeat when something in the room said "You naughty girls, i told you to not spy on me!!". Ivy looked at me with huge eyes and we made a run for it. The man slithered out from the window and had a axe in his hand. "Come here little girls, i don't bite" he cackled. He threw a grenade at us and we fell to the ground. Ivy helped me up. He was a madman! Me and Ivy ran until we reached our school. Everyone started to turn their faces toward us. I wasn't surprised, we looked like shit. Who wouldn't if a grenade was tossed at them. We acted like nothing happened and walked into the school. Ivy lead me into the bathroom and we started to clean ourselves up. "Holy shit man that was to close!" She stressed. "Oh my god i know we need to be more careful next time" i laughed. The lunch bell rang and me and Ivy made our way to science class cautiously.
We were starting a new unit and i was pretty excited. The teacher put up some notes on the whiteboard but the announcements interrupted "LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN I REPEAT LOCKDOWN, *screams* *gunshot noise*". The entire class looked terrified and went under their desks. A lockdown? I bet its just a drill. We heard screams and a rifle being used. Oh my god, not a drill. It was all quiet and there wasn't any sounds except of the kid beside me breathing hard. It was quiet for about 10 minutes until there was a knock on the door. The teacher was shaking his head and addressing the kids to not even breathe. The door was being banged on for 20 minutes until it busted open. The door went flying across the room. A man stepped into the room, and my heart stopped. "IS AGENT R AND AGENT D HERE" he yelled out aggressively. He pointed his gun at the kids and they were in complete shock. Me and Ivy stood up at the same time. We reached into our bags and pulled out our gadget guns, "don't move, you pedophile" Ivy said steadily. "Leave this school NOW" i said more louder than i intended to. He looked deep into my eyes like he was trying to summon my soul and said "i don't listen to pathetic little girls" he chuckled. That really set off Ivy. BAM
Ivy had pulled the trigger and all the kids were screaming. The madman collapsed heavily and the light faded from his eyes. Ivy wont get in trouble i hope. I mean this was self defence? I am pretty sure she wont get in trouble.
This never came to mind but since our cover had been blown, we'd have to go to a new school. Shit. Great.
Me and ivy ran out of the school quickly and bolted out the east entrance. ~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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