Day 1: The Kid Who Don't Talk

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I don't really remember how but I ended up in the hospital. They said I got hit by a car? Whatever that's cool, I'm still alive I think... In my hospital room I met my roommate, kinda. His name was Justin and he was 13 like me but didn't talk, ever. No one could make him, not doctors, not friends, not even his parents. He was severly depressed and they said they wouldn't send him home til he recovered. Meanwhile they figured I would be in for about a week with some broken bones and nasty lacerations. I spent most of my time during that first day watching the television Justin and I shared. About 8 o'clock at night I flipped the channel to my favorite cartoon. "The Adventures of the Mighty Bean", about ten minutes into the show I heard a soft laugh from the other side of the curtain. Could it be? No way, but maybe?

Me: Hello? Justin?

(no response)

Me: I love this show.

Justin: Same

Me: Dude you don't talk

Justin: Oh yeah I forgot

Me: (laughing and smiling) Hey no sarcasm!

Justin: That's how I roll

Me: I like you kid

Justin: You can't tell anyone we are speaking

Me: (opening the curtain) Pinky promise

Justin: (taking my finger) Deal bro.

This was the start of the most amazing week of my life....

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