Hey What Can I Say I'm A Possessive Mate;Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I park outside of Eli's house and wait for him to come out. I can't wait to see him again and see that marvelous face. I have to make the best out of these few days that I have left to be with him before the full moon. I wonder where I'm going to go? I guess I could ask the alpha if he knows of a place where I can stay and make sure that my wolf won't escape and go to Eli.

Ugh! Wolf problems.

I looks at the clear blue sky. It's a great day to be outside. The sky is a beautiful baby blue color ,the clouds are pure white and fluffy like a pillow, and the sun it's just hot enough to keep you warm.

"Hey!" I hear Eli chirp as he climbs into the truck and takes a seat in the passenger side.

"Hello my wonderful mate," I lean over and kiss his rosy cheek, "how did you sleep?" I asked as I pulled out of the side of the road heading to school.

"It was okay. Couldn't really stay still and rest." He answers taking a deep breath while stretching his arms in front of him.

"I'm sorry." I reach over and take his small hand in mine, rubbing small circles.

"It's okay. Hopefully I can sleep during one of my classes."

"It's not good to sleep during class Eli. You could miss out on a lot." I tease in a motherly tone.

He pouts his pink luscious lips and glares playfully at me with those big blue eyes that mesmerize me completely.

"Yeah, well I'm a growing boy who needs to rest properly so that I can function throughout the day." He lifts his chin up in the air.

I laugh at his remark and bring his hand to my lips.

"If you say so my mate."


I pull into the student parking lot and park the truck, turning the engine off.

"You ready?" I asked as I reached for my backpack in the backseat.

"Yea I guess." He mopes.

"What's wrong beautiful?"

"I'm just not in the mood to go to school." He hugs me.

I hug him back, rubbing small circles on his back. Man I wish we could just skip, but I want Eli to be a good student, so that means no skipping. Ugh! What can I do to make his day better.

"How about we go to school now and after school I take you out for some icecream?"


"As long as we go to class."

"Okay! Lets go!" He hit my arm running out the truck to the schools entrance. I laughed at the expressions of the people looking at him like he had grown three heads. I grabbed my backpack and got out the truck locking it.

"Hey Phoenix." Rex swings his arm over me.

"Hey, do you know where Eli went?" I ask looking around the halls for his blond hair.

"Last time I saw him he was spinning around with Linda signing 'I'm getting ice cream! I'm getting ice cream!' Pretty funny stuff." He chuckled.

"What way?"

"Left my friend."

I looked left and right of the hallway wondering where the hell he was. I mean come on! I leave him alone for two minutes and he disappears. A lot can happen in two minutes! I at least hope that Linda is still with him, she can keep him sorta safe.

"Nicky!" I hear my mate yell. I turn around and smile in relief. I walk up to him and lift him up his feet in a hug.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" I nag.

"Sorry I just got to excited about the ice cream." He wiggles out my grip. "I promise that next time I will keep in sight."

"That's all I ask." I kiss his lips.

"Besides I was with Linda." He smiles. I look around, not seeing her.

"Where is she?"

"Oh, she went with Rex." He leans on me yawning.

"Do you think Mr. Hinters would get mad if I fall asleep in his class?" He whispers slowly.

"Oh defiantly! He has the tendency to kick stud desk if they are sleeping." I chuckle. "How about we both fall asleep during ceramics. I'm sure that Ms. Davy won't mind us sleeping, she's the most laid back teacher in school."

"Okay." He agrees. "I guess I'll just have to force myself to stay way till fourth period." He pouts in sadness.

"I'm sure you'll make it thorough." I pat his back in reassurance.

"Now off to English class!" I yell making a few people stare.

"You're so weird sometimes." Eli glares at me in confusion. I shrug my shoulders and lead his to room 1201.

We walk in and take our seats next to each other.

"Good morning class, I hope that you all had a good weekend." Mr. Hinters greeted us with his joyful self which actually isn't that joyful. I feel like Mr. Hinters has the type of voice that can put you to sleep once he starts talking.

"Today we are going to talk about Shakespeare. Now Shakespeare is known to be the master of play and sonnets. Many scholars say that he created the main themes for all books and movies. Now-"

Gosh I can feel myself drifting to sleep! I look at Eli and see his head dropping. I grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks up and at me. He raises an eyebrow at me in confusion. I mouth 'stay awake.' He pouts his kissable lips and answers. 'It's to hard.' I give him a weak smile knowing exactly how he's feeling.

I start rubbing circles on his palm, creating an electric sensation between us. I see Eli taking a deep breath starting to feel the sensation as well.

There, that ought to keep us awake for the rest of class, but still had no idea what Mr. Hinters was talking about. It was like my brain couldn't register what was going on.


I looked at the clock, hoping that this will end soon. Let's see...ten more minutes to go, that shouldn't be that bad.

"Okay now students we are going to read nothing but Shakespeare this year so get ready and put your renaissance era hat on buckle up."


"Tomorrow we will start reading Hamlet." Just as soon as he said that the bell rang. Thank goodness!

I took Eli's hand and started walking to his class.

"So are you walking me to my class?"

"Yes I am my dear mate."

"Ah! How chivalrous of you my dear Nicky."

"Anything for you mate." I lead him to Mr. Claywood's class with minutes to spare.

"So where exactly do you want to go for ice cream?"

"Um I don't know. I haven't had a chance to really see the town. What a good place to get ice cream?"

"Well depends what kind of ice cream you want. I mean if you want regular flavored ice cream you go Paul's ice cream parlor. If you want unique flavored ice cream you go to Gina's ice cream parlor. If you want unique ice cream you do to Joey's ice cream parlor." Woo, that's a mouthful.

"Umm, which one do you think that I would like the most?" He glanced at me with his blue eyes.

"I think that you would like Joey's. He's ice cream seems like your type of ice cream."

"Then Joey's it is!" He spins around. I laugh at him and wrap my arms around him, preventing him from spinning any further.

"Get in class Eli before you get dizzy."

"Yea yea, whatever."

I kiss his cheek and watch him go into Mr. Claywood's class. I take in a deep breath missing him desperately already. I walk to my class and sit down next to Rex.

"What's wrong buddy?" Rex places his hand on my shoulder.

"I miss my Eli." I felt myself pouting.

"Well let me tell you this. That feeling never goes away no matter the time. Trust me I should know." Rex sighs, probably thinking of Linda. "We'll at least I get to see Linda next period, you have to wait till fourth so...ha!" I glared at him and stabbed him with my pen, causing him to yelp and rub his hand.

"Asshole." He pouted.

Just then the bell rang releasing us to third period. Wow that was a quick 45 minutes. I saw Rex run to Linda, lifting her of her feet.


Stupid lovely dovely idiots.

Now if I am not mistaken Eli should have Mr. Walt for third. Ugh! That across the school. I cant make in time for my class of i try to go see him. Shoot! Guess I really do have to wait till fourth to see him again. Just peachy.

I walk into my math class glaring at Rex as he places a kiss on Linda's cheek.

Ugh! Couples.

"Mr. Rex please stop kissing your girlfriend and get in the classroom." Mr. Paul requested making the students snicker and laugh. Rex glares at Mr. Paul and gives one last kiss to Linda, wishing her farewell.

Sucker, I snicker.

Rex sits besides me and starts to doodle on a notebook. Typical. I on the other hand actually try to pay attention to what Mr. Paul is saying, why? Because I do not want to fail my classes like Rex is most likely going to do. I swear sometimes I wonder how he keeps passing grades. I bet it's Linda.

"Now remember students you will have a test at the end of the week so I hope you took good notes and study." Mr. Paul smiles.

"Hey can I borrow your notes." Rex begs.

"Why? Didn't you take good notes?" I snicker making him glare at me.

"Come on! You can let a brother down!"

"Oh yeah, watch me." I walk to fourth period, moving quickly through the crow and avoiding stupid people in my way. I swear it's like they are trying to make it impossible to reach my Eli.

"Hey Phoenix can I-" Robert, a member of the pack starts to say.

"No time, got to get to fourth." I say as I speed walk.

"Dang! What's his problem?" Roberts exclaims.

"Must be his mate, I heard he found his." Dannie, another member of the pack answers correctly.

I finally got to Ms. Davy classroom, checking inside to see if Eli was there yet, but no. I lean against the wall and wait for my dear Eli to get here. A few people from the pack say hi to me as they pass by, but really I was not paying any attention to them, just waiting for that sweet smell to hit me.

A few seconds pass and that sweet smell hits me. I turn to my left and smile as I see Eli coming my way with a few books in his hands. He walks up to me and stand right in front of me, looking at me, as if waiting for me to do something. I knew exactly what he wanted, but I was going to make him ask for it, just for the fun of it.

"So..." Eli trails off.

"So?" I raise my eyebrow at him. He glares at me, pouting his lips in frustration, making my smirk. He looks from my eyes to my lips, then back again to my eyes a few times. I of course knew what he was signaling at, but I still ignored it.

He finally taps his lips telling me what he wants.

"Is there sighing wrong with your lips sweetheart ?" I pretend not to know what he means by touching his lips curiously.

"Yea your not kissing them." He glares, giving me a sassy stand.

Gosh! He's so... feminine sometimes... I like it.

I smile and kiss his lips, nipping his bottom lip a little. He whimpers and leans forward, kissing me harder. Mmm my little mate likes it rough. I break the kiss and peck his cheek, taking his small hand in mine.

"Ceramics class awaits my love." I maneuver us to the door.

"Oh, well I guess it does my dear." He smiles cutely.

It was the last class of the day and only five minutes remained. I could feel Eli's excitement to go to the ice cream parlor radiate of him. I looked at him drawing ice cream cones on his notebook. Some had three scopes and other had six. I hope he's not aiming to get six scopes cause I know that they will probably melt before he gets to lick them.

Guess I'm just going to have to keep an eye on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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