Chapter :1

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Sometimes things fall apart so that better thigns can fall together...:)

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"Okay, How bad am I ? " I asked. I didnt feel that bad, considering all the tubes that were pasted to my wrist. It was simply annoying, well, nothimg new for me though.

" Bad?, I would consider your condition simply pathetic" my dad scowled from underneath his thick framed glasses. Ohh, someone is doing a good acting, I thought. Dont take me wrong, but my dad was one of the furthest people who would be upset if something bad happened to me. It hurts to admit it even to myself but yeah, thats the truth. I've learnt to accept it.

" Dad..I wasnt speeding, I swear. I dont know how I lost control. Anyways , how many legs have i broken. Or is it my rib? " I chuckled. Urghh, bad thing to do at this time, it hurt.

Just then a tall, lanky doctor walked in. He was a bald man, with thin wiry mustache. He looked at me and smiled. Then he said "So, Arya, How do you feel today"?.

Uhh, are all the docotrs trained to ask that question, I grudgingly asked myself. I guess so, Dont they realise that it doesnt makes the patient feel relieved, rather the opposite.

I tired to smile. It took a liitle effort  "Uhh. am good, thanks. I hope i didnt lose any major body part" I tired to sound humorous. I failied miserably. My dad angrily Humphhed while the Doc nooded and said  "Well, lets say you havent. But you have a fractured leg and your backbone is slightly damaged. It's nothing that serious. You should be discharged in Three months time." he smiled and said like he was being nice.

" WHAT??! " I exclaimed louldy. "Three months, I am sorry, But i can't stay here for three months, it wont be possible I.....", My dad cut off my sentence  in the middle.

" Arya, you are going to stay here as long as the Doctor tells you to. Is that clear? . I dont need any arguments. And I have to urgently attend a meeting in Paris tomorrow, so ill be gone for two weeks, I hope you'll co-operate" he added frowning in my direction.

My blood boiled. I felt my cheeks flushing in anger. But i kept quiet. I simply nooded in his direction. He took that as my approval and left with the doctor.

Well, could my life get any more distressing.

Guess  it just did, a voice said in my head.

I glumly looked around the white room. And was surprised when a tear escaped from the corner of my eye. Wasnt I used this all by now? I asked myself. Rejection and always rejection. It shouldnt hurt now. I was used to being the daughter of a heartless and rich man.

Yes, I , Arya Raymonds, Daughter of Charles D. Raymonds was compeltely broken by now. I had acceped my fate ten years ago when my mom died in an accident. And my dad remarried in two months time. That day i felt what real hatred was like .I realised how you could forget a person and simply move on like nothing had happened. Like that person meant nothing to you.

It was like this. My mom meant nothing at all to my dad. Their marriage was just an official agreement for two people to stay together under the same roof and fight everyday. It was usual for me to wake up every night in my bed at 3 a.m to the sound of my dad hitting my mom senselessly. The next day my mom would come out of her room , her face covered in bruises. At that time, i was just a kid and i thought everything would get better. It never did.

They fought one night and mom, in her anger, took the car and went. It was raining pretty hard and the roads were slick. She never came back. Two policemen in Blue uniform came to inform us that she had met with an accident. I was just ten years old. At that time, I didnt know what was going to happen. But I knew my dad was with me. So everything would be fine. How wrong I was.

Dad remarried in the following two months. Personally I think he already wanted another wife while mom was still alive. But he couldnt marry again ofcourse. So as soon as she died, he hurriedly tied the knot. That was the end of all the relations I had with him. That day i considered that both my parents were dead. That day something died in me. Some hope for tomorrow. Some hope for having a better life. Some hope that everything would be fine with time.

My stepmom wasnt that bad. She atleast cared to act friendly with me. But i wasnt going to be fooled. I build my guard so strong that she couldnt enter my world. I created such hard walls around me, that no one could hurt me , not again.

We three lived in the same house, but i believe and so did the other two, that only two people resided in the big white mansion. My dad and his Wife. Thats it.

I sisghed. I hated reflecting on the past. It was something I didnt take a fancy in doing. But in situatuions like these, I couldnt help myself. Situations when he tried to act like he cared. Like it mattered to him if something happens to me.

Enough, I shouted to my mind, enough of the past.

Okay so.. what now, I thought miserably to myself. Am going to be stuck in this bed for three awful months. What am I gonna do?. 

"Urghhh", I shouted. It hurt but i didnt care. Just then the door opened and Alexandria, my maid for forever, came in. When she found me lying on the bed calmly, and not running around shouting obcenitites like she expected i thought, she looked slightly annoyed. She quickly composed her face , though.

"Ohh Arya, you're finally awake. Oh god, my child, I was soo scared for you. I am so glad you're alrite. How are you feeling now?" she quickly rushed, explaining.

I glanced at her and her wide smile. I ddint particularly dislike Alex. She was a good maid and she was quite helpful. She had taken care of me for many years now. I depended on her in many ways such as for washing my clothes, ironing them, making breakfast, coffe, dinner blah blah blah, the list goes on and on. But I knew she got paid for it heavily so I naturally had no emotional attachement with her. She was still one of the individual whome I could trust.

"I feel good Alex, can you somehow convince the doctors to let me go home. Please, I cant stay here, I'll die out of boredom" i pleaded with her. Made her see reason.

"Ohh, No no Arya, you cant dear. You're suppposed to be on complete bed rest. Your leg is fractured for God's sake. No, Am sorry. But dont worry. Ill be here with you from morning till evening. So dont worry at all ok. Now just rest" , she chattered, then turned to leave. On second , however, she turned back to face me and said "And Arya, dear, try not to shout and yell. This is a hospital and your father will be angry if he came to know about your tantrums." she then left.

I heavily sighed. Alrite, So fate, I accept you once again. I am Going to Rot here for three months.

I hope, I thought, I hope some miracle happens.

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