The letter

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Ivy's pov
My alarm clock went off and i groaned. I hated the morning so much, i was a night person. I brushed my long brown hair and put it up into a high ponytail. I  pulled out a hollywood undead t-shirt and some skinny jeans. I slipped on my black vans and snatched my skateboard. I walked downstairs like a zombie, with my eyes barely open. I opened the fridge debating if i should eat leftover pizza or cereal. I took out the pizza biting into it. Damn I'm so healthy. I heard a knock on my door seeing Spencer there with her skateboard. "Heyyyy bitchhhhh" she said coming in like it was her house. I was use to this anyways, she opened my freezer and took out the ice cream. As you can see we are very healthy. I was finished with my pizza and let out a beautiful long burp. "Nice one" Spencer commented. I yawned and grabbed my backpack and put it over my shoulder. "Ughhhh school" i said. Spencer nodded and we headed out hopping on our skateboards. While we were riding our way to school, i tripped of my skateboard and Spencer couldn't stop laughing. Her face was red as an tomato and i just rolled my eyes threatening to kill her. "Oh i almost forgot i got a letter from Professor K!!" She said. "Show me" i said impatiently. Spencer took it out of her pocket but stuffed back in when Hannah "the school bitch" was walking up to us. Oh my gosh i was so tired of her. "Hey looser" she snorted. "Get your ugly face outta here" Spencer bit back. I gave her a death look and Hannah just raised an eyebrow. She walked away rolling her eyes. I hated her. I want to kill her. Literally. I opened the letter and read it. We had a mission! Me and Spencer had to capture a dangerous mastermind that lurked around out school. Okay thats just plain creepy. We will be getting new gadgets. I know what your thinking. 13 year olds as CIA agents?! I know what you mean. But me and Spencer are intelligent. We are different and extremely smart. We were in the highest program and always got a 100 percent. We liked to work with chemicals and blow things up. Well Spencer is a sociopath and is freaking crazy. But i like crazy and I'm totally okay with it. I mean I'm crazy to haha.  Im a psychopath and i have no emotions whatsoever. Well moral of the story: we are fucking smart. The CIA discovered us and there just happened to be a lot of crime around our school. Nothing big or "life or death" missions but still. This new mission was different. We had to track down a criminal. Great. We arrived at school and sat down lazily on our desks.
I heard the bell ring. Already!?!?! I must have fallen asleep. I got up packing up my binders. Oh yay its raining outside. Everyone was out of the room and i was still packing. I looked outside and saw a man standing there in all black just staring at me. I ran out of the class and found Spencer opening her locker. "I just saw a man staring at me from outside come now!!" i yelled out, grabbing hold of her. "Wait what" she said while i dragged her to the math class. But he wasn't there anymore. But there was a letter there. Me and Spencer looked at each other and ran outside.
"Oh damn my hair" she whimpered as she ran outside to where the man was. I snatched the letter and opened it:
Don't try following me and don't try spying on me, or you'll regret everything. Its better to forget about me, trust me. ~ from R

Spencer looked at me with wide eyes and i stood there in the rain, with ideas shooting through my brain 58273739283 kilometres per hour. I pulled out my iphone and called Professor K.

Ok ok i suck at writing omfg. Give me ideas/suggestions if u have any. :) i will be updating everyday probably. Hope you enjoy this lame story.

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