Justin Imagine for Jordy

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You were at your house with your best friend when your Mum comes running in " Jordy, Jordy guess what?!" Your Mum had never been so excited in her life. The rosy red cheeks, watered eyes and the thumping of her heart whilst she tried to catch her breathe. You desperately wanted to find out what was so exciting and why your Mum was acting like this. " Tell me, what's so important? what's happened????" The sound of your voice was confused, you just wanted to know what was going on. " J-JUSTIN B-BI-BIEBERRR" Your Mum stuttered as she said HIS name, your idol, your life and in your head.. your boy friend! What was she mumbling on about? why would she randomly get excited by saying Justin Bieber?! It just didn't make any sense at all. After your Mum FINALLY caught her breathe she blurted out " JUSTIN BIEBER IS IN THE UK AND IS COMING TO A CONCERT NEAR US!!...."  * Boom Boom* the sound of your heart beat got faster and louder, what was she trying to say?! " W--WHAT?! I NEED TO G--GET TICKEETSSS!!!" As you rushed past your Mum and headed for the stairs she quickly got hold of you and calmed you down. "Right, don't freak out but... I HAVE GOT YOU VIP MEET AND GREET" What was happening? were you dreaming? How could she say to you not to freak out! You were meeting Justin, you would be breathing the same air as him, listening to his music flow through your body and hear how sexual his voice gets on specific songs. There was just no way you could stay calm. " NO WAY!! OMG THANK YOU SO SO SO S--SO MUCH.. I --I LOVE YOU LOTS OMGGGG WHEN IS IT?!!??!" You knew you sounded insane but you just didn't care, you needed to know when you were going to meet your idol. What were you going to wear? Were you going to make banners? A book for him?! Okay Jordy, just breathe, you thought to yourself.. The sooner you calm down, the quicker Mum will tell me all the information I need. " Right, The concert is actually tonight.. The tickets have been out a while and I left it a surprise for you! You best start getting ready. It's a ticket for you and *your best friend's name* . The concert is at 7pm and finishes at 9pm and then I've managed to get you half an hour with Justin at the meet and Greet"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2013 ⏰

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