Chapter 1

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It was the day before the start of my final year in high school and I was trudging through puddles, walking to the Starbucks near my house. This place was my safe haven, my home away from home, so this seemed almost fitting for it to be my place of solace before the dreaded day.

Everyone has found out about my "condition" by now and I don't want that to effect anything. I want everything to stay the same. But I know that's not going to happen. Even my close friends are treating me different. Offering to buy my things, letting me pick the movie, that sort of thing.  I want everything to stay as it was and that's what they don't get.

As I walk through the rain, however, listening to my Twenty One Pilots playlist, with the rain coming down around me, dripping down my raincoat, I feel almost at peace with my fate; the fate of knowing I only have one year left. Well, almost content with my fate. Every teenager wishes that everything would just stop or at least slow down, but when you know your life is in fact going to be coming to a close, it's not all its chalked up to be.

I guess Tyler Joseph got one thing right; you shouldn't die before you're old. But it's not like I have much of a choice. Walking down these familiar streets remind me of all I have grown to know, and how many memories I have made. Going to get ice cream at Mimi's Ice Cream Palace, or spending all day in the Harvey's Record Shop, or going to the dance studio every other day of the week for as long as I can remember. It's these simple places and occurrences that I never really thought of as important before, that are now seeming to be the things that I'm going to miss the most.

Silent tears fall down my face once again. Good thing it's raining so it will just look like there's rain on my face.

This, however, has been happening a lot lately. Not the rain, although I do like in Seattle, but the tears. I used to be strong; with a high tolerance for pain and mental strength, nothing used to bother me. Until I found out that I was not as invincible as I had made myself out to be. This illness we'll call it, has limited me significantly. My endurance has significantly dropped. My mom put a tracking device on my phone because I tend to collapse/pass out frequently.

I can't even walk to Starbucks without getting winded.  However, I'm doing better than most would say. Despite the fatigue and back pain, you wouldn't be able to easily notice or know that I was dying on the inside.

Walking to Starbucks though was almost my own secret achievement because it was the last thing my parents would allow me to do by myself without supervision. It's normally quite and peaceful and no one bothers me as I make my trek. I have the path memorized, I could practically walk it blindfolded. So that's why it's a surprise to me when I run into something very hard and fall to the ground.

"Ouch!", I say in frustration. No one should be out this morning. I grab the hand offered to me not bothering to look at the face of the perpetrator.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! I'm new here and I was just looking around and I guess I wasn't paying attention! I'm so sorry!", the boy/man says frantically.

I finally look up and am met with chocolate brown eyes. Large chocolate brown eyes.


Yay! Chapter one!!! It was supposed to be longer and I had written more but I hadn't quite finished it so I cut it off early and I'm gonna post a chapter 1.5 soon!! I just hadn't updated in a while and wanted you to have something to tide you over! I'm hope you enjoy! Remember to vote, comment, and follow!

Much love!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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