Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first attempt at Downton fanfic, and also my first Richobel. Begins in the latter half of Series 4 with flashbacks to early S4; slightly AU as there is no "Edith is pregnant and conspicuously absent" storyline, and Mary is actively raising baby George with much mentoring from Isobel. This is an answer to a prompt I suggested to Prompton Abbey on Tumblr, namely: "Write a story inspired by a song that puts you in mind of a Downton character, ship or storyline. Include lyrics within story text. Bonus points for incorporating lyrics into dialogue!"

DISCLAIMER: Downton Abbey and its brilliant cast are the brainchild of Julian Fellowes.

Sleepless nights aren't so bad
I'm staying up, I'm staying sad
I don't want anything to change
I don't want anything to change
I like it lonely I like it strange
I don't want anything to change

You left a mess you're everywhere
I'd pick it up but I don't dare
I don't want anything to change
I don't want anything to change
There's nothing I would rearrange
I don't want anything to change

I can feel you fading
But until you're gone
I'm taking all the time I can borrow
The getting over is waiting
But I won't move on
And I'm gonna wanna feel the same tomorrow

I know the truth is right outside
But for the moment it's best denied
I don't want anything to change

I can feel you fading
But until you're gone
I'm taking all the time I can borrow
The getting over is waiting
But I won't move on
And I'm gonna wanna feel the same tomorrow

And I don't want anything to do
With what comes after you
I don't want anything to change
I don't want anything to change
I don't want anything to change

It was approaching midnight when Richard arrived home. First there had been an accident at one of the farms. A team of young farmhands had been plowing the fields for the planting of the fallow crop of winter wheat. The rear axle on one of the tractors had broken, causing injury to several young farmhands. Concussion and a broken arm for the driver, broken leg for one plowman and a dislocated shoulder for another. Then an expectant mother had called for him with what she believed to be labor pains, but alas it was a false alarm.

He had been supposed to meet Isobel for dinner at the Abbey after she returned from her afternoon at the women's center. When he knew he would be detained he sent word to her, knowing she would want to help and insisting she stay put. The gloom was just beginning to lift following Matthew's death. Lady Mary and Isobel had become, if not fast friends, then companions in grief and healing, and Isobel was head over heels for baby George, who was now ten months old and every inch as smitten with his grandmother as she was with him. Richard would not deprive her of a moment she could spend with her grandson, and she knew this without his saying so and loved him for it.

For her part that evening Isobel had endured with grace the vitriol spewed at her by the Dowager and Lord Grantham over her choice of occupation and the scandal it foisted upon the entire family. She had not yet recovered the strength to return fire, and Lady Mary had seen it in her eyes and had compassion for her mother-in-law. As the meal concluded and the family were about to go through to the drawing room, Mary stood and announced, "I believe I'll bid you all good night and see to George's bedtime. Nanny says I can soothe him better than she now that he is teething. Isobel, would you be so good as to join me? Only I'd like you to look him over; we shall both sleep better tonight if you do."

Isobel sent a grateful look Mary's way and made to join her. At this the Dowager huffed. "My dear, Dr. Clarkson and the nanny have just examined George and assured you all is well. You mustn't coddle the child Let the staff do what we pay them for." Mary opened her mouth to speak but her mother beat her to it.

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