Things Guys Should Know About Girls. (atleast girls like me)

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hmm... i have browsed the internet for sometime now... i get bored really easy. so i found out google is mostly accurate. i wanted to make a list like those ones ^.^ lol. so i guess this is it.

1. girls think about guys waay more than it seems.

2. nerds make the best boyfriends.

3. i can tell if you are a nice gamer or a douche bag gamer. lots of cuss words and talk of "im so

badass"    equals douche. nothing but fighting games contribute to this.

4. text us first once in a while. sometimes we overthink when to text you. so take the first move.

5. I love being teased.

6. questions about our genitals (vagina) kinda creeps us out

7. Boobs are included in this.

8. text us back. even if you say ctrn. just text back. it annoys us when you don't.

9. find little ways to touch us. tickling is included.

10. if it's not our first kiss, go for the kiss assures us you like us.

11. if you haven't noticed, do things first. sometimes we need to know we arent just chasing you.

12. if a girl argues she's not pretty. say shes beautiful and kiss her. she can't argue with that.

13. call us beautiful

14. if i am silent when we are alone... i am either thinking about how much i like you or about how akward i must seem.

15. if a girl farts in front of you, you make her feel very confident.

16. hold our hand. it makes  us feel special :3

17. say something sweet once in a while. dont overuse it tho. just once in a while.

18. adding an emoticon or heart to a message can make us like 10x more happy,

19. be honest. i hate lies.

20. let us take pictures of you. what if you were to die tommorrow?

21. tell us what you expect out of our relationship.

22. believe it or not when you make gesturres like your nervous, dont regret them. girls love it. dont do it on purpose though, then it gets old.

23. smile. it drives us girls insane.

24. if you can make us laugh the girls probaly like it.

25. play games with us. it breaks the ice.

26. cheezy pick up lines are the best!

27. hugs rule!

28. dont expect us to  be like models or anywhere close to perfect.

29. If it's your birthday and you dont want us to worry about it. tell us to bring ourself and thats a good present. i feel happy and you will probaly get a present that you cant buy.. ;)

30. if we "accidentally" text you ther is a 70% chance that its not an accident.

if i get enough views then i"ll write more :P special thanks to boys... who look up stuff about girls on the internet. honestly, i think google does a good job :) seriously... just not good enough... sp i wrote my own list :D thanks you from ~ lilyspad

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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