The Darkness

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There's a darkness in me
It lies in wait just below the surface
Swirling there waiting for a moment it can come out and strike
Strike those I love with an evil so strong the devil himself is scared of it
My soul is being taken over by darkness
My mind knows it's wrong
I feel it in every fiber of my being
I feel the evil pulsing in my blood
I want to strike out
Strike out against people who haven't done a thing
People who don't deserve this evil
As long as I exist so will it
One thing can save those I love
Death. Mine
So here and now I'll take my own life to protect those i love
As simple cut up my forearm
The blood seeps out of the wound
But I didn't cut deep enough so i make another cut
This one works as I feel myself fade away
I see your text on my phone
Your face flashes in my mind and I cry
I'm sorry I have to hurt you. But I'm too dangerous now. Goodbye my love. I love you forever and always
I hit send and let the darkness take me away for the last time

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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