3. No

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Anisa stared across the field, watching the last few beams of light slowly fade in the distance. She was sitting underneath the usual tree, but this time her book lay forgotten next to her. She was too distracted to read. Her thoughts were racing.

Her father, along with a few other men, had been on a five day trip to the city. They had not disappeared. Her brother, Joshua, was seven years old, younger than the boys that had disappeared. He was still here. A stroke of luck, her neighbors called it.

Anisa was grateful, and relieved. But she didn't feel lucky. There wasn't room to feel anything except for grief. 

A tear escaped and slid down her cheek.

Three days since they had disappeared. Three long, unbearable days. Anisa had waited, clinging to hope, but there had been no sign, no news, no evidence that they would ever return. 

Her eyes searched the fields, hoping to deny what had happened. Maybe it was all just a bad dream. Maybe she had imagined the whole thing. Johan would be coming back now, tired and dirty from working in the fields all day, but still ready to tease her, steal her book, make her laugh. They would walk back to the village together, like they always did. 

But no, she knew it was true. Today was the same as the last two days. The men were coming back from working in the fields, and Johan was not with them. 

They passed her quietly. Anisa looked away, avoiding their glances. A hand touched her shoulder.

"It's nearly dark," her father said. "Are you coming?"

"Not yet." Her voice sounded dull, mechanic.

"Don't be too long." Then he left.

She did not want to go back. Did not want to walk down the road where she and Johan had raced. Did not want to go to the loft where she and Johan had read together. Did not want to see everything that would bring back the memories, bring back the tears. Did not want to look at the spaces where he should have been, empty like the hole in her heart. Did not want to face the world alone.

I am sooo sorry for the late update! :/ I'll try to go faster next time. Thanks so much to everyone who has read, voted, and/or commented! It's very encouraging, thanks a ton! -Ashley

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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