Part 3

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The next two days Monica spent resting, preparing for her next confrontation with Jim and waiting, but mostly pissing off Jim. She couldn't help sending him some taunting messages every few hours.

"Haven't found me yet?"

"I'd expected you here by now."

"I'm getting bored."

"Give up yet?"

"Maybe you're ordinary after all."

She never got a response (of course not, he couldn't send her one), but she knew he was getting angry because she was pushing him around. She was playing with him as if he was a ragdoll and on top of that, time was passing and he didn't have any clue who she was...

The two days passed by quickly and Monica didn't hear a word from Jim. She won. Now all that was left to do was inform Jim about the time and location of their next meeting. This should have been easy, since she planned everything, but she wanted to make it more interesting. All she had to do to spice it up, was make it into a riddle. Easy. She had one in seconds.

Midnight. 58. I promise I won't shatter your dream of being on top of London.


When he entered the room, she was already sitting in the chair at the desk, her arms resting on the desk, crossing each other. Her eyes were fixed on the clock right above the door.

"You're late," she stated, not taking her eyes off the clock. "I almost thought you didn't figure it out."

"Well of course I figured it out; it was rather obvious, wasn't it?" His eyes travelled around the office with a bored look. "Too easy. On top of London would be the tallest building of London, of course, and shatter refers to The Shard as well. Then 58 is the 58th floor, obviously."

"It couldn't be too hard. I wouldn't want you to not show up." She leaned back in the chair, moving her gaze to meet his. Her right hand rested on top of her left hand, lightly tapping a beat. "Looks like our game is over."

"Oh no honey," he said, walking closer to the desk with his hands deep in his pockets, "this game isn't over yet."

Monica stood up and walked to the front of the desk, revealing the red dress she was wearing and she sat down on the edge. She leaned back again and put her hands on the desk for support. "Can we play the game your way? I quite like playing." She winked at him, feeling rather playful.

"We're already playing the game my way, darling. You just don't know it yet." He stepped closer to her and Monica finally had the chance to see how dark his eyes really were. They were almost pitch-black, like coal. "If we play very quiet, my lamb..." he spoke, quoting lyrics from the song she'd been quoting too.

"Very well, you got that." The smile on her face grew bigger, turning into more of a grin. "Sadly you didn't get my clues."

"That's because you weren't playing fair. It's hardly possible to get those clues if you tell me there were hints afterwards, right?"

"Or maybe you're ordinary."

He clicked with his tongue and raised his eyebrows at her courage. "Ordinary? Me? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." His voice turned from cheerful and playful to dark and toxic. Even his eyes turned darker, for as far as that was possible.

She just rolled her eyes, not intimidated by him. "Anyway, what will our first crime be? Since I'm your partner in crime now."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you babe, but you're not going to be my partner in crime. Keeping your identity from me for two days isn't that impressive, really. Now if it had been two years... That would have been a different story. But no, you haven't proved yourself to me," he told her, seeming bored of her.

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