Chapter 9 Broken Trust Part 1

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Finally it's Saturday,it's time to rest but I won't,I'm gonna bring Star with me,not because I'm jealous,it's because of that demøn"I thought
After I took a bath,eat our breakfast I ask Star:
Star will you come with me?"I ask
Sorry Marco,but not now,Tom and I will take a visit to nether"she said
Oh"I said
Then she leave the house and say goodbye to me
I lie on the couch.I know he's planning this and I won't stop predicting until I prove it"i thought then suddenly punch the couch
Marco are you okay?my mom said
Yeah mom,just a little problem messing with my head"I said
Well son,If you have problems tell me or your dad or Star"she said
I think I can handle it myself mom,no need"I said
Well,just follow your instincts son"she said
It hit me,I know I'm right.I need to find evidence but how"I thought
I'm gonna leave now"she said
Okay mom"I said
Okay Safe Kid it's time to be dangerous...well I don't know I'm just trying to be cool"i thought
Okay,where's the scissors??Sorry Star but I have to go in your room"I thought
Where is it?!??I can't find it anywhere?!?Can it be??"I thought

I close my eyes and open her underwear drawer and I feel like I found it so I pick it and close the drawer

Finally!!!"I said then cut a portal
To Nether"I said then I went inside

Star where are you?!I thought
Then I found her with Tom laughing,I just followed them all day long
There's nothing wrong but I can't just leave here

Ughhh..this is sooo boring"I thought
Tom which is better?this or that?"she ask
I don't know,I really don't know about that girly things"I said
Ugghhh..pretending,smiling and walking"I thought
Star I'll just you know...pee"I said then she said Ok

*in the CR*

Just a little bit more time,my plan will succeed"I whisper
I just need to clean this BF ring"i said then smirk

Aha!I know he has a plan"I thought
Huh?Is someone there?Tom said
Then I throw the rock on the other direction where he can't see me throw it,and it make noise so he come to that direction
Phew,I'm close,I better tell Star about it ASAP"I thought then cut a portal

I hope Star is still there"I thought
Tom does this match for me?"Star said
Of course"I said
Come on,let's go it's getting late"she said
After the ride,we both say goodbye

Star I have to tell you something"Marco said
What is it?"I ask
About Tom,he have a plan Star!!"he said
Marco,he changed"I said
Well,just to you
Then I say god night to avoid our fight
I really hate fighting or argument with him and also,most of the times,it's my fault
Next chapter will be a little more---😪

I do not own SVTFOE

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