chapter i

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"Thank you!" the woman cried. "Thank you so much," She had a wide smile plastered on her face. Her hands were clasped together gracefully as she looked into the woman's eyes.

"How could I repay you? You helped me find my true love, I must do you a favor." The woman held onto her hand.

"Ma'am, it was not me who helped you, it was my son." She smiled as she lightly squeezed the woman's hand.

"Please, take me to him. I'd like to thank him."

She nodded and led the woman to her son's office which was located to the left of her own. She lightly knocked and called out his name.

"Zayn, you have a visitor."

"Come in."

Her son straightened up in his seat and ran a hand through his hair.

"Hello, Ms. Parker." Zayn smiled, holding out his hand for her to shake.

Ms. Parker took his hand, but pulled him to a bear hug.

"God bless you, child." She smiled. "You're truly Cupid. I must repay you with a gift, perhaps a gift card to your favorite fast food restaurant?" Ms. Parker offered.

"No thank you," Zayn smiled. "I appreciate it though."

"I shall tell my daughter in law about you! She needs help as well." Ms. Parker held onto Zayn's tattooed hands tightly. "You'll help her, won't you?"

Zayn nodded. "I'll do what I can."

"You're amazing, Eros." Ms. Parker smiled and let go of his hands. "I'll be visiting you both soon! Thank you for everything." Ms. Parker bid her goodbyes to both Zayn and his mother.

Zayn's mother looked at him and smirked. "Nice job, Eros."

Zayn chuckled lightly. "What does that even mean?"

She rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't you know? I mean you are Cupid." She patted his cheek and walked off back to her office.

Zayn rose an eyebrow, obviously confused. Later on that day, he found out that Eros is the Greek name of Cupid. He felt like an idiot for not knowing that as he was a fan of the myth of Cupid.

Zayn was exposed to love at such a young age, though he doesn't know what it is yet. His mother has complained to him several times that he's going to be twenty four soon, so he should start settling down now.

As always, Zayn would shrug her off and say, "I'll find the right person when it's the right time."

Instead of finding his own significant other, he helps other people find theirs. After his grandpa passed away, Zayn and his mother took the company from him and renamed it as Cupid's Arrow.

Zayn's been working there for five years now. He loves his job. He loves seeing people happy when they find their match, but he can't help but feel sad that he doesn't get to understand what love feels like.

Strange right? He's a matchmaker, yet he doesn't know what love is. How could he understand something that he never had?

Eros • Zayn Malik AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora