Chapter 26 - Justin

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    "You definitely stepped up tonight, son."

  I glanced over at Dad with a grin. "Thanks, Dad."

   Dad returned the smile, his arms crossed over his chest. That was nice, coming from Dad. Any compliment from my father was one that definitely had to go down in the books. 

  The rest of the occupants of the car that was taking us back to the vacation house in Ouray were quiet. If anyone was speaking, their voices were quiet and in an undertone. 

   Nick's head was lolled back against his seat and Maggie was slumped against his shoulder, fast asleep. Mom, Patricia, and Jeanine were all giggling under their breath, no doubt exchanging stories of what they thought about the wedding we'd just left. 

   Laila, on the other hand, was passed out against my shoulder, fast asleep, her small hand curled around my own. I was listening to the sounds of her slow, even breathing, and I felt a little more relaxed and content than I had in a long while. 

  The only downside to the rather pleasant feeling of Laila's soft, wavy hair tickling my cheek, or her fingers threaded through mine? 

   My arm was seriously started to friggin' hurt.

It's not like I wanted to shove her off or anything. On the contrary, I much preferred her there.

  I glanced shiftily over at Jeanine, wondering if she was in a good mood or not. She seemed happy enough, still giggling away with my mother and Praticia. The last thing I wanted to do was enrage Jeanine enough to have her keep true to her word and kick me in the shin. 

   I silently deliberated whether or not I should just man up and rest my arm across Laila's waist, where I wouldn't be unnecessarily uncomfortable. My arm hovered over her waist while I gnawed on my lip, wondering what the hell I should do. 

   Finally, I just settled for laying my arm over her waist, holding my breath. 

She sighed under her breath and I thought for a moment that I'd woken her up, but instead she just nuzzled her head against my shoulder, still fast asleep. 

   Well, that was one gargantuan task that was finally done and over with.

  I'd just been beginning to drift off to sleep on my own when the car came to a smooth halt outside the vacation house. Somehow I managed to unbuckle myself and Laila without waking her up as everyone else clambered out of the car around us. 

  I wondered if I should just wake Laila up, but when she clutched herself closer to me in her sleep, I figured I'd rather not face her wrath. So instead I deftly moved her over my lap, wrapping my arms tightly around her before somehow managing to slide out of the car myself. 

  Quickening my pace, I caught up to everyone else as they walked up the porch steps and filed in through the front door. I made straight through the kitchen, for the stairs, with the intention of taking Laila up to her bedroom, but a quiet voice called me back.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Jeanine. "Yeah?"

Jeanine stepped forward towards me, away from the rest of our chattering group. 

  "Be careful with her, will you?" 

I dragged my eyes down towards Laila's sleeping frame, watching her full lips twisting into a cute pout.

  "I will, Jeanine," I promised Laila's mother with a small smile before continuing my way up the stairs.

 Honestly, I couldn't imagine a more stupid thing to do than to hurt Laila.

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