The 100

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So i thought why not.

and started watching the 100 again. Bad or good ... you tell me.

anyway I did not manage to escape from my bad habit of having a dream "what if.."

yea i overthink a lot... and I'm cursed with having too good of a imagination so ....= bizzare dreams

SO everyone who has seen the 100 at least season 1 knows that Finn The Spacewalker hooked up right before his girl (Raven) showed up.

here comes the "what if" Clarke got herself pregnant but did not really know that ... they were kinda busy fighting with the mountain men and the grounders. ...


It was one of those weird as hell dreams.

Raven and Clarke were in a hospital (i think)

Raven because she wanted to have a baby with Finn so she was there for check up.

Raven was supposed to hold her legs up so Clarke was there to help her. ( funny part) bc that seemed really hard. raven did not have enough strength or just didn.t know hoe she was supposed to hold her legs up like that.

finally Clarke told her to use a wall bc it may be easier for her. And she did just that.

Since it looked comfortable enough Clarke took another bed and put her legs up like that as well. only to discover that a wall was shaped like window ... (not a window but a wall idk what these are called). the wall was about as wide a the bed she was laying on.

later or so i guess. ( it was more like blink of an eye moment) :

when Raven and Clarke were on their laying on their beds again , not facing the wall, doc gave an ultrasound to raven to check on her baby

that part was very un realistlic bc i saw them prackically cut her open, and check on the baby by lifting up the skin ( witch was cut open) and peeking inside. the baby was really small and could probably be hold with one hand.

And as a joke one doc wanted to give Clarke one as well. while examining her he found out that she was indeed having a baby as well her pregnancy was more advanced though.

and we all knew whose the baby is. anyway Clarke didn't want anyone to know about it besides the doc himself .

But the Doc found something else as well. she well I had some kind of an 084 ( i dont really remember what it was)

maybe bc before i knew it i got an injection to the head. I actually hurt and made me really sleepy.


sleepy in real life as well bc like i said i could feel the pain of getting injected and i really hate doctors (when they have to take my blood or give injections)

Why I could actually feel it i don't know. Maybe bc i wasn't actually sleeping

I usually know what goes around me when i dream and know that i am dreaming,

I rememberd the dream and it still plays in my head. So i tried to write it down as best as i could. witch is actually really hard to do bc in a dream most of the time time does not exist.

so like i said i got sleepy and i really felt like i was drugged and wanted to go back to sleep.

but well my granny got home and i just had to get up and look like i had been up for a while

by picking up my computer and opening it. yea that what i usually do. sit on a computer why? bc of the exams of course

and bc i wanna play games and read books and etc instead of ... well studying

O did i mention it was like 2 pm when i saw that dream and woke

well yea another thing. I only see a dream when i have woken up in the morning and fallen back to sleep.

or on school days it is a warning sign that i'm already late or about to be late.... nice alarm or what?

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