Chapter 11 - Grief

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I sit in the corner watching the Fire Ferrets practice. They looked so happy to be training together, I wished I had stayed on the Island but Korra insisted that I come with her. They take off their helmets and Bolin glances at me with a soft smile, I turn away from crossing my arms. "It's been great having you both back at practices," Mako says, Korra smiles brightly at her crush. 

"Tarrlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence," Korra replies, I roll my eyes and focus my gaze on a few weights in the corner. Bolin walks towards me and holds his hand out, I stare up at him before cautiously taking his hand. He pulls me up and I fall into him. It had been a week since that horrible night and my strength has not returned to normal. My father has offered to take me to Gran-Gran but I refused his help, he was too necessary for this fight against Amon. 

"You two joined the Fire Ferrets before his task force was a thing," Bolin states catching me, I step away blushing as he apologies. Mako calls a team huddle which Bolin pulls me into to, the three of them laugh and smile at each other. I just stare at the ground, I just couldn't be happy no matter what anyone did. My siblings would make me things or ask me to join them while Korra and the boys kept cracking jokes.  "It's our first match of the tournament tonight, I know the four of us haven't been a team for very long but even so, the Fire Ferrets have never been this good. Are we ready?" 

"We're ready!" Korra and Bolin chant back as I mumble the words exiting the huddle. I look up and Asami walked into the gym holding a bag. She smiled brightly and held up a shirt, it had in bold letters, the Airbender. My chest tightens as I glare at the lettering. 

"Not quite, you'll need these." As my heartrate increases, my face starts to feel hot. I storm past her and she tries to hand me the shirt, "We made one for you Nini," 

"I don't want your stupid shirt, I was never apart of this team. I was a ghost, not even here" I hissed, everyone watched as I exited the gym. I hid on the staircase trying to calm myself down before leaving, I could hear them mumbling of the team. 

"What's her deal?" Asami quested angrily, I peaked around the corner and saw her shoulder fall. I quickly hid as she glanced at where I was hiding, "I didn't know." 

"She just needs time, she lost her the essence of her life." 

I wandered around the shore of Air Temple Island. I knew that I wouldn't be disturbed while walking along the beach, I was never known to venture down to the water. Ever since I was a little girl, I preferred to play in the high branches of the trees but it would be dangerous now. I could see the flocks of people starting to flood the stadium. I should go support them but I didn't know if I could face them after I walked out this afternoon. I sigh and rub my finger through my hair.

Before this, I never caught ferries to the mainland but it was just another aspect of life I had to get use to. I missed my airbending but I found myself taking it out of the people around me, like Asami and my Mum. I cant help it, I have all this angst and pain bottled up inside me but I was never taught a healthy way to release those feelings. I was always expected to push them aside for the greater good of my culture and people. As it docked the attended nodded to me with a smile, he was younger and had a cute complexion. I blush and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. I rush towards the arena but I could hear the final bell dinging and the announcement of the winner. 

"The future Industries Fire Ferrets!" 

I enter the changing room and held mumbled shouts in the corner. Korra and Mako were having a disagreement about something, I leant against the wall so they couldn't see me. "I don't know. Asami and I have-"

"Look, I really like you and I think we are meant for each other!" Korra spits out. Wide eyed, I peak out from my hiding spot. The Avatar was hiding her face from the older boy, "

 "Korra," He says gently, I know he cares about her. He was a ladies man but he has an obligation to his girlfriend even if that hurts Korra. "I'm really sorry but I just don't feel the same way about you." 

"Forget, I ever said anything." She mutters, someone brushes past me entering the changing room. Asami walks up to her boyfriend and kisses him. The Mako and Korra share an awkward look. I reveal myself and Korra gives me a weak smile.

"Congratulations, guys! You were so amazing out there." She kisses him on the cheek and I see Korra's face fall more. She wanders over to the bench and plops herself next to Bolin, I feel my chest start to constrict as Bolin askes her out. I stand there staring at them as they talk, I've never felt like this for someone before but he didn't see me like her saw Korra. 

"Oh, that's really sweet but I don't thinks so." She answers deflated. "I don't feel very date worthy." 

"Are you kidding me? You're the smartest, funniest, toughest, buffets, talentedest, incrediblest girl in the world." Each word he said hit me in the chest like a bullet and by the time he finished I felt like someone was dragging me down to hell. What made it worse was that adorable naive smiles that could never lie. Tears started flooding my eyes so I stepped out of the room, I wiped the stray ones that rolled down my cheeks. 

"Hey, Nini. Look I'm sorry about what happened earlier today, I didn't know." She says kindly, her face drops as she notices my tears. She pulls me into a hug, "Oh my, this is about Boling isn't it?"
"How do you know?" I sniff out, she chuckles and leans away with her hands gripped onto my shoulders. 

"Mako and I both know you like him, it's obvious but Korra nor Bolin seem to see it. Look, my best advice is either tell him straight up or make him jealous so he realises it himself." 

As I sat in restaurant tucked under an old friends arm, I found my nerves getting the better of me. We were with his team and groupies who I have never met before but he was doing me a favourite which I really appreciate. "Thanks for doing this for me, Tahno." 

"No problem kid, anything for the girl who got my brother out crime." He says quietly. He glances between Bolin and I a few times, "I can't believe this is guy who finally got your big heart." 

"Don't question it and I won't question your Probending tactics." I state, he smirks at me then grabs my head. I panic as Bolin and Korra glance at us, they hadn't noticed me with their rival yet. Bolin whispers to Korra as we reach the table but his eyes go wide as he spots me behind Tahno. 

"Nini?!" Tahno puts his arm around me, I was dourning my water tribe clothing that Korra had gifted me earlier in the year. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Fire Ferrets, Pro-bending's saddest excuse for a team." I elbow him in his side but he continues with his insults of the team. Tahno was not a kind man well except to me and his family. "Tell me, how did a couple of amateurs like you luck your way into the tournament? Especially you Avatar. You know if you'd like to learn how a real pro bends, I could give you some private lessons." 

Korra stands up and tries to threaten Tahno, "You wanna go toe-to-toe with me pretty boy?" 

"Go for it. I'll give you the first shot." He says smirking, I roll my eyes at the two dominant personality trying to battle it out in a restaurant. Bolin leans our and whispers something to Korra. The Avatar whistles and I stand back startled as Naga bursts through the window. Tahno falls back but his groupies catch him, he erects himself and fixes his outfit before storming off. I look at Bolin who watched me with a concerned gaze, I huff and flip my hair leaving the the two 'lovebirds' along in the restaurant. 

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